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Steaming down the sunlight Professor Willard McCarty King’s College London HSIS, Galway, 17/11/07.

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Presentation on theme: "Steaming down the sunlight Professor Willard McCarty King’s College London HSIS, Galway, 17/11/07."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steaming down the sunlight Professor Willard McCarty King’s College London HSIS, Galway, 17/11/07

2 2

3 3 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

4 4 Odysseus’ katabasis, from Padraic Colum, Adventures of Odysseus (1918) & a photograph of a “brickie” (1947)

5 5 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

6 6 2006: 2007:

7 7 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

8 8 “[T]he specific problem that the [humanities] present to thought is that one has not rightly grasped their nature if one measures them by the yardstick of a progressive knowledge of regularity…. [Research in the humanities] does not endeavour to grasp the concrete phenomenon as an instance of a universal rule. The individual case does not serve only to confirm a law from which practical predictions can be made. Its ideal is rather to understand the phenomenon itself in its unique and historical concreteness.” Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (2000/1960): 4f

9 9 “For the object of understanding human events is to sense the alternativeness of human possibility.” Jerome Bruner, “Possible Castles”, Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (1986)

10 10 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

11 11 “Quid ergo Athenis et Hiersolymis?” Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus (ca 155-230)

12 12 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

13 13 Analytic modelling experience compare simplify manipulate Non-symbolic system Symbolic system

14 14 Effectively computable representation “the hem of a quantum garment” residue Narrative meaning

15 15 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

16 16

17 17 Autopoiesis in art: “Drawing hands”, M. C. Escher (1948)

18 18 TOC 1.A parable 2.Computer science & the humanities 3.The humanities and method 4.Athens and Jerusalem 5.Analytic computing 6.Synthetic computing 7.Conclusion

19 19 Analogies “as A is to B, so C is to D”

20 20

21 21 Society?

22 22 Comments?

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