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Published byAliza Rowles Modified over 10 years ago
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Ian Thomson College of Europe - Natolin 21 September 2012
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Public Opinion and Europe: Elections, Referendums and Surveys
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Public Opinion and Europe: Elections, Referendums and Surveys Developments in 2012:Croatia – Ireland – Germany – UKCroatiaIrelandGermanyUK
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Regular opinion polls taken by the European Commission and others have shown varying results over the years but indicate a slowly declining amount of support for the EU in many Member States Public Opinion and Europe: Elections, Referendums and Surveys
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU With evidence of low participation rates in the EP elections the referendum results in Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Ireland declining support for the EU in Eurobarometer opinion polls + impact of the current economic crisis – calls for ‘more Europe’ Communicating Europe effectively has become an issue of major concern to the EU Institutions a need to professionalise the way information is communicated a need to involve the Member States as well as other actors a need to use new media to get information and messages across However, the question still arises… Will more effective communication make citizens ‘love’ the EU or are the challenges greater or more complex? Public Opinion and Europe: The challenge…
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Current thinking on EU information and communication policy Interactive communication / Participatory democracy initiatives – Connecting with citizens Making the EU more transparent European Transparency Initiative Access to documents The increasing role of ‘new’ media The web / Web-streaming / Radio & television / Blogging / Twitter Better, simpler and more accessible legislation (Smart Regulation) Structure of talk
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Current thinking on EU information and communication policy
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU European Governance: Role of information and communication White Paper on European Governance 2001 Involve citizens and stakeholders – WHY? To gain legitimacy, support and understanding To create better law How to involve citizens and stakeholders – Better information and communication
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Action Plan to Improve Communicating Europe, July 2005 Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate, October 2005 White Paper on a European Communication Policy, January 2006 Communication: Communicating Europe in Partnership, October 2007 Communication Communication: Communicating about Europe via the Internet: Engaging the Citizen, December 2007 Communication Communication: Debate Europe…, April 2008 Communication Action Plan on Communicating Europe through Audio-Visual Media, April 2008 Action Plan Political Declaration: Communicating Europe in Partnership, October 2008 Political Declaration EU information and communication policy: Recent developments
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU EU information and communication policy: Key themes Duty of the EU to inform, consult and involve (to listen) Right of the ‘citizen’ and ‘stakeholder’ to be informed, consulted and involved (to know) Legitimacy / Understanding / Better law Listen better (interactive communication – opinion polls etc) Communicate better (plain simple language – meaningful everyday examples) Go local (adapt EU messages to local and sectoral audiences) Communicate in partnership [Management Partnerships / Strategic Partnerships] Cross-border communication channels promoting debate and dialogue on issues of common concern (European Public Sphere / Citizenship Education) Use all forms of media Information needs to be ‘clear, objective, comprehensive, relevant and easy to find’ [OECD: Citizens as partners, 2001]
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU EU information and communication policy: The situation in 2011… European Commissioners with responsibility for information and communication matters Viviane Reding DG Communication & Publications Office Maroš Šefčovič I-IR & Administration (ETI)
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU EU information and communication policy: The situation in 2010… Commission plans communication revolution EURACTIV, 30.08.10 EURACTIV Mrs Reding wants to bring about a ‘revolution’ and ‘culture shock’ in communication activities the Commission should be rebranded as the ‘government’ of the EU greater personalisation centred on Mr Barroso More centralisation in the delivery of messages reshuffle of top officials in information & communication activities greater professionalism However, commentators are very critical Communicating Europe: Reding’s revolution Blog: Grahnlaw, 02.09.10
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy Connecting citizens to Europe: Getting citizens involved and participating – and voting
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Results of the European Citizens Summit, May 2009 Top recommendations 1.Lead on climate change 2.Common healthcare system 3.Common working conditions First dialogue – then decision That's democracy – 21st century democracy! Margot WallstromMargot Wallstrom, May 2009 What can the EU do to shape our economy and social future in a globalised world? I got interested in the EU when the EU got interested in me…
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives 3 rd Agora, January 2011 Crisis and forms of poverty
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives The ECI allows EU citizens to request new legislation Operational since 1 April 2012
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Making the EU more transparent European Transparency Initiative Access to documents
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Openness and transparency in the EU Is the EU open and transparent? Transparency is defined as the right of citizens to access information to enable their effective participation – and, in doing so, strengthen the European institutions. Open government is good because it underpins the legitimacy and credibility of democracy as a form of government. Secondly, it can improve the quality of decisions taken.
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The EU is open and transparent… Openness and transparency are now featured in Primary EU Treaties Decision making: open and democratic – reforms over the years EU information and communication activities Press Corps / Lobbying BUT… Openness and transparency in the EU The evidence for and against
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Challenge of language: multilingual but resource limitations [policy on Europa] [Ombudsman ruling, December 2011: Commission should publish public consultations in all EU languages ]multilingualresource limitationspolicy on EuropaCommission should publish public consultations in all EU languages ‘Culture of Secrecy’ [Committee of Independent Experts, 1999]Committee of Independent Experts Complexity of decision making Decision making website Decision making website How open is each EU Institution? Europe ditches clarity and embraces obfuscation (FT, 26.06.07)FT, 26.06.07 Increasing use of ‘Trilogues’ [2004-09 80% of decisions were agreed in this way] Eurogroup chief: ‘I'm for secret, dark debates’, April 2011‘I'm for secret, dark debates The shady side of sunlight – debate in 2011 The shady side of sunlight Democracy loses in struggle to save euro (FT, 11.09.12) Democracy loses in struggle to save euro Current legislative procedures criticised for lack of feedback (EV, 13.09.12) Current legislative procedures criticised for lack of feedback Openness and transparency in the EU The evidence for and against
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Transparency of recipients of EU funds particularly agriculture and structural funds [Beneficiaries of grants]agriculturestructural fundsBeneficiaries of grants DEFRA: CAP Payments SearchCAP Payments Search Call to Germany, April 2009 / IP/09/694 Call to GermanyIP/09/694 Financial Transparency System Financial Transparency System Transparency of interests in EU Institutions especially EP and Commission Commission Communication on professional ethics (SEC (2008)301)SEC (2008)301 European Parliament allowances [EO on EP, July 2008]EO on EP European Parliament attendance records to be made publicpublic EO Annual Report 2010: 33% of allegations concerned transparency (May 2011)Annual Report 2010transparency Transparency in the fight against fraud in the EU budget Transparency of interests of lobbyists 2008: Register of Interest Representatives launched [COM (2008)323]Register of Interest RepresentativesCOM (2008)323 European Transparency Initiative
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Find details of organisations that seek to influence (‘lobby’) the EU Register is a voluntary requirement Transparency Register launched in July 2011 andTransparency Register combined the functions of the old European Commission Register of Interest Representatives and European Parliament Register of Lobbyists Some discussion as to Council joining the Register European Transparency Initiative
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Transparency Register July 2012 One year old Over 5,150 registrations Council now involved with an Observer to the Secretariat administering the Register Online public consultation on value of Register during Summer 2012 But Alter-EU and others says Register fails to give an accurate picture of lobbying activities European Transparency Initiative
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Draft European Commission Code of Conduct for CommissionersEuropean Commission Code of Conduct for Commissioners, 2011 [Alter-EU Reaction, January 2011]Reaction European Transparency Initiative ECJ Judgement in Nov 2010 regarding German farmers and CAP: A blow for transparencyA blow for transparency
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Why access to documents is considered important: accountability Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, May 2001 Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 Green Paper Review of 1049/2001, April 2007 Green Paper New proposal, April 2008 New proposal Statewatch Observatory / Current status of proposal Statewatch ObservatoryCurrent status of proposal Registers of documents Commission – Parliament – Council – Comitology CommissionParliamentCouncilComitology Access to documents
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Annual Reports on Access to documents from the EU Institutions Access to documents
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Making the EU more transparent Proposal to amend Regulation 1049/2001 launched in 2008 still being negotiated [Latest Text: May 2012] September 2012: still awaiting 1st Reading Position in Council. Why the delay?Latest Text Making the EU more Transparent Access to documents January 2011: Over 250 organisations, journalists and campaigners call for MEPs to reject measures to limit public access to informationOver 250 organisations, journalists and campaigners call for MEPs to reject measures to limit public access to information March 2011: General Court of the European Union rules refusal illegitimate. Access Info wins case against Council on open legislative procedureGeneral Court of the European Union rules refusal illegitimate. Access Info wins case against Council on open legislative procedure August 2011: Appeal by the Council against the pro- transparency decision of the General Court: Case C- 280/11 PAppeal by the Council against the pro- transparency decision of the General Court: Case C- 280/11 P December 2011: Text adopted in European Parliament – still awaiting Council and Commission agreement on recast textText adopted in European Parliament
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union The increasing role for new media The Internet – Web-streaming – Radio – Television Blogs – Twitter – Facebook
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Clearly, the media (radio, television, newspapers and other developing media) play a part in the dissemination of information about the EU Communicating Europe through audiovisual media SEC(2008)506SEC(2008)506 The increasing role for new media
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU European media initiatives Training and Services for Media Professionals
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU TV – Web-streaming for EU information EU sources
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU TV – Web-streaming for EU information Non-EU sources
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU European Public Sphere Developing a pan-European debate through newspapers, radio and television 1.EUFeedsEUFeeds 2.European non-English language newspapers’ initiativeEuropean non-English language newspapers’ initiative 3.PressEuropPressEurop 4.EuropaEuropa 5.EuranetEuranet 6.A TV network?A TV network? 7.European DailyEuropean Daily Radio – TV – Newspapers for EU information
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The increasing role of new media Web 2.0: Blogs EU officials compile blogs on information & communication issues Blogs for EU information
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Blogs for EU information Blog Aggregators bring together a selection of Europe focused blogs A sample of blogs offering a range of insights on Europe
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Increasing use of social networks
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Better, simpler and more accessible legislation
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Reduced legislative activity - ‘Better regulation’Better regulation Better quality legislation after consultationconsultation Impact assessments Better quality drafting - Explanatory memorandum Greater use of alternative legislative instruments Consolidation, codification and recasting Simplification / Better Lawmaking SimplificationBetter Lawmaking Making Community law more accessible EUR-LEX, PRELEX, OEIL etc EUR-LEX Better, simpler and more accessible legislation
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU Since the 1990s political interest on EU information and communication issues has focused attention and resources – which has led to useful specific EU communication initiatives, products and services But… Other challenges facing the EU have caught the attention of politicians and officials Democratic openness v operational efficiency is a challenge Citizens still not informed or interested in the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Conclusions
College of Europe - Natolin Library Information Seminar, 21 September 2012 The role of information & communication in the governance of the EU The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union Thank you for your attention This handout available on the Natolin intranet © Ian Thomson, September 2012
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