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Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, precision,

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Presentation on theme: "Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, precision,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, precision, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

2 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, precision, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

3 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, perseverance, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

4 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, perseverance, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

5 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, perseverance, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

6 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, perseverance, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

7 Kamma What determines a successful business? Random events? Luck? Fate? Will of a god? Hard work, market research, innovation, flexibility, perseverance, contacts, team spirit, customer care?

8 Kamma So what is kamma? Kamma literally means 'intentional action', and this refers to the Buddhist belief in the Principle of Cause and Effect. That is, every intentional act will give rise to a corresponding result, in either the present life or in a future one, when conditions are right. The results of kamma are not rewards or punishments, but simply the results or outcome of intentional acts. Positive actions will eventually result in positive consequences, and negative actions will eventually result in negative consequences.

9 Kamma So what is kamma? Kamma literally means 'intentional action', and this refers to the Buddhist belief in the Principle of Cause and Effect. That is, every intentional act will give rise to a corresponding result, in either the present life or in a future one, when conditions are right. The results of kamma are not rewards or punishments, but simply the results or outcome of intentional acts. Positive actions will eventually result in positive consequences, and negative actions will eventually result in negative consequences.

10 Kamma A successful business Therefore a successful business is simply the result (or effect) of several positive intentional actions (or causes). These intentional positive actions increase the probability of a business being successful by creating the conditions for its own success.

11 Kamma A successful business Therefore a successful business is simply the result (or effect) of several positive intentional actions (or causes). These intentional positive actions increase the probability of a business being successful by creating the conditions for its own success.

12 Kamma A successful business In this example, Kamma = Success. Therefore there is no need to rely on random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Once we know what we want to achieve, simply create the conditions. It is up to us to determine our own kamma.

13 Kamma A successful business In this example, Kamma = Success. Therefore there is no need to rely on random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Once we know what we want to achieve, simply create the conditions. It is up to us to determine our own kamma.

14 Kamma A successful business In this example, Kamma = Success. Therefore there is no need to rely on random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Once we know what we want to achieve, simply create the conditions. It is up to us to determine our own kamma.

15 Kamma A successful business In this example, Kamma = Success. Therefore there is no need to rely on random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Once we know what we want to achieve, simply create the conditions. It is up to us to determine our own kamma.

16 Kamma So where is kamma stored? It is not stored anywhere. It is the potential results that arise when the conditions are right. For example, a tree growing from a tiny seed. In our example, the success of the business is not stored anywhere, but the success arises because of the right conditions in place.

17 Kamma So where is kamma stored? It is not stored anywhere. It is the potential results that arise when the conditions are right. For example, a tree growing from a tiny seed. In our example, the success of the business is not stored anywhere, but the success arises because of the right conditions in place.

18 Kamma So where is kamma stored? It is not stored anywhere. It is the potential results that arise when the conditions are right. For example, a tree growing from a tiny seed. In our example, the success of the business is not stored anywhere, but the success arises because of the right conditions in place.

19 Kamma So where is kamma stored? It is not stored anywhere. It is the potential results that arise when the conditions are right. For example, a tree growing from a tiny seed. In our example, the success of the business is not stored anywhere, but the success arises because of the right conditions in place.

20 Kamma So where is kamma stored? It is not stored anywhere. It is the potential results that arise when the conditions are right. For example, a tree growing from a tiny seed. In our example, the success of the business is not stored anywhere, but the success arises because of the right conditions in place.

21 Kamma So who or what determines or administers kamma? Nothing and no one. Kamma is simply the natural effect of intentional actions. Nothing determines a tree growing from a seed when there is soil, moisture and sunlight. Same for the successful business as we have seen.

22 Kamma So who or what determines or administers kamma? Nothing and no one. Kamma is simply the natural effect of intentional actions. Nothing determines a tree growing from a seed when there is soil, moisture and sunlight. Same for the successful business as we have seen.

23 Kamma So who or what determines or administers kamma? Nothing and no one. Kamma is simply the natural effect of intentional actions. Nothing determines a tree growing from a seed when there is soil, moisture and sunlight. Same for the successful business as we have seen.

24 Kamma So who or what determines or administers kamma? Nothing and no one. Kamma is simply the natural effect of intentional actions. Nothing determines a tree growing from a seed when there is soil, moisture and sunlight. Same for the successful business as we have seen.

25 Kamma So who or what determines or administers kamma? Nothing and no one. Kamma is simply the natural effect of intentional actions. Nothing determines a tree growing from a seed when there is soil, moisture and sunlight. Same for the successful business as we have seen.

26 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

27 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

28 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

29 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

30 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

31 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

32 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

33 Five Causal Laws of Nature Kamma does not determine everything. There are Five Laws of Nature which govern existence : Physical inorganic laws Physical organic laws Law of kamma Law of the norm Law of the mind or psychic law

34 Kamma Kamma from life to life Kamma is carried over from life to life and the effects will arise when conditions are right. Therefore the way we lead our lives now determines the type of kamma that will arise, not only in the present life but in our future lives too. Create more positive kamma and less negative kamma.

35 Kamma Kamma from life to life Kamma is carried over from life to life and the effects will arise when conditions are right. Therefore the way we lead our lives now determines the type of kamma that will arise, not only in the present life but in our future lives too. Create more positive kamma and less negative kamma.

36 Kamma Kamma from life to life Kamma is carried over from life to life and the effects will arise when conditions are right. Therefore the way we lead our lives now determines the type of kamma that will arise, not only in the present life but in our future lives too. Create more positive kamma and less negative kamma.

37 Kamma Creating positive kamma Do good, avoid evil, cultivate our minds. The practice of generosity (dana), morality (sila) and meditation (bhavana). The 10 Meritorious Actions, the 38 Blessings, etc.

38 Kamma Creating positive kamma Do good, avoid evil, cultivate our minds. The practice of generosity (dana), morality (sila) and meditation (bhavana). The 10 Meritorious Actions, the 38 Blessings, etc.

39 Kamma Creating positive kamma Do good, avoid evil, cultivate our minds. The practice of generosity (dana), morality (sila) and meditation (bhavana). The 10 Meritorious Actions, the 38 Blessings, etc.

40 Kamma Creating positive kamma Do good, avoid evil, cultivate our minds. The practice of generosity (dana), morality (sila) and meditation (bhavana). The 10 Meritorious Actions, the 38 Blessings, etc.

41 Kamma Aspects of kamma Morally good or positive kamma. Morally evil or negative kamma. Morally neutral or neutral kamma. Arises from intentional actions of body, speech and mind.

42 Kamma Aspects of kamma Morally good or positive kamma. Morally evil or negative kamma. Morally neutral or neutral kamma. Arises from intentional actions of body, speech and mind.

43 Kamma Aspects of kamma Morally good or positive kamma. Morally evil or negative kamma. Morally neutral or neutral kamma. Arises from intentional actions of body, speech and mind.

44 Kamma Aspects of kamma Morally good or positive kamma. Morally evil or negative kamma. Morally neutral or neutral kamma. Arises from intentional actions of body, speech and mind.

45 Kamma Aspects of kamma Morally good or positive kamma. Morally evil or negative kamma. Morally neutral or neutral kamma. Arises from intentional actions of body, speech and mind.

46 Classifications of Kamma 1.According to function 2.According to priority of effect 3.According to the time of taking effect 4.According to the place of taking effect

47 Classifications of Kamma 1.According to function 2.According to priority of effect 3.According to the time of taking effect 4.According to the place of taking effect

48 Classifications of Kamma 1.According to function 2.According to priority of effect 3.According to the time of taking effect 4.According to the place of taking effect

49 Classifications of Kamma 1.According to function 2.According to priority of effect 3.According to the time of taking effect 4.According to the place of taking effect

50 Classifications of Kamma According to function i.Reproductive Kamma ii.Supportive Kamma iii.Obstructive Kamma iv.Destructive Kamma

51 Classifications of Kamma According to function i.Reproductive Kamma ii.Supportive Kamma iii.Obstructive Kamma iv.Destructive Kamma

52 Classifications of Kamma According to function i.Reproductive Kamma ii.Supportive Kamma iii.Obstructive Kamma iv.Destructive Kamma

53 Classifications of Kamma According to function i.Reproductive Kamma ii.Supportive Kamma iii.Obstructive Kamma iv.Destructive Kamma

54 Classifications of Kamma According to priority of effect i.Weighty Kamma ii.Proximate Kamma iii.Habitual Kamma iv.Reserve Kamma

55 Classifications of Kamma According to priority of effect i.Weighty Kamma ii.Proximate Kamma iii.Habitual Kamma iv.Reserve Kamma

56 Classifications of Kamma According to priority of effect i.Weighty Kamma ii.Proximate Kamma iii.Habitual Kamma iv.Reserve Kamma

57 Classifications of Kamma According to priority of effect i.Weighty Kamma ii.Proximate Kamma iii.Habitual Kamma iv.Reserve Kamma

58 Classifications of Kamma According to the time of taking effect i.Immediately Effective Kamma ii.Subsequently Effective Kamma iii.Indefinitely Effective Kamma iv.Defunct Kamma

59 Classifications of Kamma According to the time of taking effect i.Immediately Effective Kamma ii.Subsequently Effective Kamma iii.Indefinitely Effective Kamma iv.Defunct Kamma

60 Classifications of Kamma According to the time of taking effect i.Immediately Effective Kamma ii.Subsequently Effective Kamma iii.Indefinitely Effective Kamma iv.Defunct Kamma

61 Classifications of Kamma According to the time of taking effect i.Immediately Effective Kamma ii.Subsequently Effective Kamma iii.Indefinitely Effective Kamma iv.Defunct Kamma

62 Classifications of Kamma According to the place of taking effect i.Immoral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere ii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere iii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Form-Sphere iv.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Formless-Sphere

63 Classifications of Kamma According to the place of taking effect i.Immoral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere ii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere iii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Form-Sphere iv.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Formless-Sphere

64 Classifications of Kamma According to the place of taking effect i.Immoral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere ii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere iii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Form-Sphere iv.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Formless-Sphere

65 Classifications of Kamma According to the place of taking effect i.Immoral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere ii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere iii.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Form-Sphere iv.Moral Kamma pertaining to the Formless-Sphere

66 What does rebirth and kamma explain? People have always wondered about the fairness of life, and why everyone is not born equal. Questions are always asked about why is one person so healthy, and another born with many physical afflictions. Why is one person born into a very wealthy family, and another born into abject poverty. Why is one person able to enjoy a long and happy life, and another having their life cut short by violence or accident. Buddhists do not believe that all these inequalities are because of random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Kamma and rebirth are able to explain these differences in people's lives.

67 What does rebirth and kamma explain? People have always wondered about the fairness of life, and why everyone is not born equal. Questions are always asked about why is one person so healthy, and another born with many physical afflictions. Why is one person born into a very wealthy family, and another born into abject poverty. Why is one person able to enjoy a long and happy life, and another having their life cut short by violence or accident. Buddhists do not believe that all these inequalities are because of random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Kamma and rebirth are able to explain these differences in people's lives.

68 What does rebirth and kamma explain? People have always wondered about the fairness of life, and why everyone is not born equal. Questions are always asked about why is one person so healthy, and another born with many physical afflictions. Why is one person born into a very wealthy family, and another born into abject poverty. Why is one person able to enjoy a long and happy life, and another having their life cut short by violence or accident. Buddhists do not believe that all these inequalities are because of random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Kamma and rebirth are able to explain these differences in people's lives.

69 What does rebirth and kamma explain? People have always wondered about the fairness of life, and why everyone is not born equal. Questions are always asked about why is one person so healthy, and another born with many physical afflictions. Why is one person born into a very wealthy family, and another born into abject poverty. Why is one person able to enjoy a long and happy life, and another having their life cut short by violence or accident. Buddhists do not believe that all these inequalities are because of random events, luck, fate or the will of a god. Kamma and rebirth are able to explain these differences in people's lives.

70 The Buddha’s Enlightenment The Buddha saw three things on the night of His Enlightenment : 1.He saw all his countless past lives. 2.He saw how beings arise and pass away, and arise again according to their own kamma. 3.He realized the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the way to enduring peace and happiness.

71 The Buddha’s Enlightenment The Buddha saw three things on the night of His Enlightenment : 1.He saw all his countless past lives. 2.He saw how beings arise and pass away, and arise again according to their own kamma. 3.He realized the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the way to enduring peace and happiness.

72 The Buddha’s Enlightenment The Buddha saw three things on the night of His Enlightenment : 1.He saw all his countless past lives. 2.He saw how beings arise and pass away, and arise again according to their own kamma. 3.He realized the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the way to enduring peace and happiness.

73 The Buddha’s Enlightenment The Buddha saw three things on the night of His Enlightenment : 1.He saw all his countless past lives. 2.He saw how beings arise and pass away, and arise again according to their own kamma. 3.He realized the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the way to enduring peace and happiness.

74 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my karma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

75 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my karma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

76 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

77 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

78 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my kamma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

79 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my kamma. I live supported by my kamma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

80 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my kamma. I live supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

81 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my kamma. I live supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

82 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my kamma. I live supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

83 Our kamma is our own I am the owner of my kamma. I inherit my kamma. I am born of my kamma. I am related to my kamma. I live supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha – Upajjhatthana Sutta

84 A Buddhist saying to think about If you want to know what kind of life you led in your past life, look at your present life. If you want to know what kind of life you will have in your next life, look at your present life.

85 A Buddhist saying to think about If you want to know what kind of life you led in your past life, look at your present life. If you want to know what kind of life you will have in your next life, look at your present life.

86 A Buddhist saying to think about If you want to know what kind of life you led in your past life, look at your present life. If you want to know what kind of life you will have in your next life, look at your present life.

87 Prepared by T Y Lee

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