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MEGN 424: Computer Aided Engineering LAB 6 - 2D Truss Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation and Mathcad.

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Presentation on theme: "MEGN 424: Computer Aided Engineering LAB 6 - 2D Truss Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation and Mathcad."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEGN 424: Computer Aided Engineering LAB 6 - 2D Truss Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation and Mathcad

2 Finite Element Analysis Process
Create a CAD model (completed in THW 3) Configure and run an FEA study Validate and understand the results

3 Define Problem and Create Model
Create a CAD model (Completed in THW 3) Define the problem to be studied Specify units Build a CAD model (in SolidWorks)

4 2D Truss Structure FEA 750 Figure 1: A Simple 2D Truss Structure (dimensions shown in inches) 2: (48,36) 1: (0,0) 3: (0,36) x y 2 1 3 Figure 2: Weldment profile cross-Section (dimensions in inches) This system has three truss elements with the geometry shown. The three truss elements have a hollow rectangular x-sectional area of in2 and wall thickness 0.25 in (shown on the right above). Use 1060 Aluminum alloy material The distance and coordinate units are inches. The x-translation is fixed at node 1, and the x- and y-translations are fixed at node 3. The pin at node 2 is subject to an applied downward vertical force of 750 lbf.

5 CAD model from THW 3 Open SolidWorks (SW), then open YI Truss LAB6.sldprt from c:\scratch\yourinitials

6 Configure and run FEA Configure and run an FEA study
Choose a study type Specify units Define a mesh type Define material Define joints for a beam or truss study Apply restraints Apply loads/pressures Define contact sets Set meshing options Mesh the part or assembly Run the analysis Create displays of results

7 Adding SolidWorks Simulation
If Soildworks Simulation is already added, skip the next step. Open Tools>Add-Ins, Check SolidWorks Simulation, Select OK. You should see Simulation as a new tab in the menu bar.

8 Adding SolidWorks Simulation
Activate the Simulation tab near the top of the viewing area. Select Simulation (or Study Advisor) > New Study > Static. Name the study LAB6 your initials. The software creates the study in the Simulation study tree. Set the units in Simulation>Options>Default Options tab to IPS units.

9 Check Results Folders After saving the file in c:\scratch\your initials choose the SolidWorks document folder. It will automatically use c:\scratch\ your initials Simulation> Options

10 Check Reports Folders Simulation> Options Select the report folder.
It will automatically use c:\scratch\your initials

11 Check Results Folder location in the FEA Study
This should happen automatically

12 Configure – Truss Elements
Select the structural members, Right Click Edit Definition Choose Truss and OK

13 Configure – Apply Material
Right click, Apply Aluminum: 1060 Alloy material to all bodies

14 Define joints Configure and run an FEA study Choose a study type
Specify units Define a mesh type Define material Define joints for a beam or truss study Apply restraints Apply loads/pressures Define contact sets Set meshing options Mesh the part or assembly Run the analysis Create displays of results

15 Define the Joints (nodes)
Right click Joint Group

16 Apply Restraints Configure and run an FEA study Choose a study type
Specify units Define a mesh type Define material Define joints for a beam or truss study Apply restraints Apply loads/pressures Define contact sets Set meshing options Mesh the part or assembly Run the analysis Create displays of results

17 Apply Restraints (Fixtures)
750 Figure 1: A Simple 2D Truss System (dimensions shown in inches) 2: (48,36) 1: (0,0) 3: (0,36) x y 2 1 3

18 Apply z-Restraints to prevent rigid body motion
(Fixtures) Select type: reference geom. zero translation to Front (z) Plane

19 Apply x,y-Restraint to upper left Joint
Immovable Fixture = all translations fixed

20 Apply x-Restraint to lower left Joint

21 Check Restraints (Fixtures: Show All)
750 Figure 1: A Simple 2D Truss System (dimensions shown in inches) 2: (48,36) 1: (0,0) 3: (0,36) x y 2 1 3

22 Apply loads Configure and run an FEA study Choose a study type
Specify units Define a mesh type Define material Define joints for a beam or truss study Apply restraints Apply loads Define contact sets Set meshing options Mesh the part or assembly Run the analysis Create displays of results

23 Apply Load

24 Run and display results
Configure and run an FEA study Choose a study type Specify units Define a mesh type Define material Define joints for a beam or truss study Apply restraints Apply loads/pressures Run the analysis Create displays of results

25 Axial Stress Plot with probe values
Paste a screen shot of this plot into a MS Word document. See the following slides for further LAB submission information.

26 Verify and understand the results
Use Mechanics of Materials (MOM) fundamentals calculations to approximate results Verify the results Understand the results Assess the safety of the design Report the results

27 Draw a free body diagram
Do it on scratch paper. You don’t have to submit it. Choose either compression or tension for each member. Draw the force arrows at the end of each member for either tension or compression. Draw the reaction force arrows at each joint to be equal and opposite from the force arrows at each end of the members. Add symbols, dimensions, and force values. 3 (0, 36) 1 (0,0) 2 (48,36) F = -750 lbf 750 2: (48,36) 1: (0,0) 3: (0,36) x y 2 1 3 F2 F3 F1

28 Determine Forces in a Mathcad worksheet
Determine R3y from the overall truss FBD Determine the internal force F3 in member 3 using the method of joints: R3y 3 F3 Determine internal forces F1 & F2 using the method of joints applied to node 2: 2 F = -750 lbf 3 4 F1 F2 compression tension

29 Determine Stresses in a Mathcad worksheet
A = in2 Compressive stress Tensile stress Tensile stress

30 Submit for LAB 6 MS Word file with: Usual header.
Screen shot of SWS Axial Stress plot with 3 probe values. Screen shot of your mathcad worksheet that calculates the element internal forces and axial stresses. A comparison of the SWS and Mathcad results. Create a pdf from the MS Word document named Lname_Fname_LAB6.pdf and submit on Blackboard.

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