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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada Service Canada Services for You Managing a “virtual” single window organization.

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1 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada Service Canada Services for You Managing a “virtual” single window organization Roger Scott-Douglas Director, Service Canada Implementation Team May 14, 2001

2 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 2 Presentation Overview  Overview of Service Canada  Elements of a virtual organization  Assessment to date -- options for the future

3 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 3 Results for Canadians …. Quality and Satisfaction Improvement Service In-PersonTelephoneInternet Enables Integration Government On-Line Accessibility to Canadians Service Canada …an integrated citizen-centred service agenda

4 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 4 Service Canada... Government On-Line Access Centres 1 800 O-Canada Canada.   A New Service Face - integrated access across in-person, telephone and Internet channels   A New Service Approach - delivery of services in ways that make sense to citizens   A New Service Mechanism - providing government with a means to manage its service presence and profile Service Canada …developing a new vision of service delivery

5 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 5 Service Canada: What Canadians Experience 4Information & referral to 1000 federal programs & services 4Broader range of information (enhancements to database) 4On-line forms & publication order service 1 800 O-Canada 4Redesigned Canada site with information and services clustered around the needs of Canadians, Non-Canadians, and Businesses, 4On some departmental sites, testing of new Internet services (e.g., on-line self help, voice-to- voice on-line help & clustering) 4Trained service providers 4Information & referral to 1000 federal programs & services 435 printed forms & brochures (most in demand) 4Assistance using electronic & telephone channels 122 Access Centres …our face and approach

6 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 6 Organizational Goals for Service Canada….   Use the government’s existing service infrastructure networks, as well as GOL, to maximum effect   Maintain the right balance between serving Canadians and reducing delivery costs   Bring together all major one stop service initiatives to improve coherence and avoid duplication   Provide a cost-effective common service provider for departments to use   Provide government with a means of managing service presence and profile in rural and remote communities …our mechanism Service Canada Services for You

7 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 7 A Virtual Organization with over 100 Partners. Projects Voice-to- Voice Auto Responder Consumer Gateway Electronic Post Office Millennium Eco Comm. Service Preferences Seniors and Veterans PWGSC (Internet) CIOB GOL PWGSC (Telephone) 1 800 O- Canada Full Service Federal Sites (48) Specialized Sites (3) Community Networks (67) HRDC (27) Canadian Heritage (7) Canada Post (14) Youth (HRDC 1) Francophone (CH 2) BC (PWGSC 5) NB (IC 22) NS (HRDC 11) ON (IC 14) Access Centres (122) NWT (EC 4) QC (CED 9) YK (PWGSC 2) Service Canada (SC) Coordinating Committee SC Implementation Team Advisory Committee on Service and Innovation (S&I) Self-Service Federal Sites (3) CCRA (2 ) HRDC (1) 3rd Party (3) Regional Information Services (3) Note: AAFC involved In-Person Working Group Telephony Working Group Service Dev’t Working Group Portal Working Group Community Network Working Group SC Communications Sub-Committee SC Network Development Sub-Committee Telephony Sub-Committee Points of Service Sub-Committee S&I Regional Executives Atl.ONQCBC Federal Regional Councils

8 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 8 The Pivotal Point: Involvement Versus Full Commitment Key Findings - Partnerships (CAC) Strengths   Improved client service   Joint marketing   Improved sustainability of existing infrastructure   Improved departmental products & services   Linkages between internal departmental units strengthened   Potential savings through economies of scale Weaknesses   Slow process   Unwieldy governance   Heavy time commitment   Unclear accountability  Key Conclusion  Strong support for one stop access within the service departments; but  Virtual partnership not sustainable over the long term if significant growth is desired

9 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 9 Moving Forward with Service Canada   Smooth operations on a larger scale will require the integration of policy, operational and communications activities   More rigorous governance mechanisms and fewer delivery partners needed to improve management of network over the longer term   A policy framework for one-stop access is needed to improve co-ordination and channel management and integration   Building on the potential of GOL

10 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 10 In-Person Channel - What it Might Look Like Utilizing existing networks most Canadians will be able to reach an Access Centre easily Hub and spoke structure with manageable number of partners Possible links to provincial one-stop access in longer term Strong coordination at regional level (tailored to meet local circumstances)

11 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 11 Telephony Channel - What it Might Look Like General Enquiries Centres Citizen Service Centres (on pilot basis) Investment in “smart” technologies, making judicious use of IVRs Common platforms and protocols

12 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 12 Electronic Channel - What it Might Look Like Canada Site All key programs and services online by 2004 Secure channel and trusted environment Electronic infrastructure underpins and integrates all channels Redesigned portal with clustered services CanadiansBusinessesNon-Canadians

13 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 13 Necessary Conditions for Governance   Achieving clarity of accountability and ease of decision-making   Maintaining shared ownership and participation in Service Canada   Practicality of implementation (e.g. gaining acceptance, cost-effectiveness, etc.)   Management efficacy (e.g. operational coherence)   Positioning for the future   Being able to support the capability for channel/service integration   Supporting the management of the whole-of-government transition engendered by GOL ++= Single window ChannelChannel Service Canada Services for You Service Canada Services for You In-Person Access Centres Electronic Canada Site Telephone 1 800 O-Canada Telephone

14 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 14 Possible Options for an Organizational Structure 1. Virtual Entity   Voluntary participation -- self interest as driver   Neither front or back end integration   Low risk 2. Service Utility   Partner departments work to single business plan -- self-interest as common interest   Front end integration, not back end   Medium risk 3. Department or Agency   Delegation of authority to a new service organization to deliver certain services -- common interest as self interest   Front and back end integration   High risk ServiceCanada

15 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Secretariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 15 Service Canada Services for You

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