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Mentorprogram in Bag dr. Emőke Both Leader of BAGázs Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentorprogram in Bag dr. Emőke Both Leader of BAGázs Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentorprogram in Bag dr. Emőke Both Leader of BAGázs Association

2 Content  Environment  The goals  The target group  Mentors  Mentees  Training  Mentoring  Difficulties  Results  Film about the project

3 The environment of the project 40 km from Budapest Around 400 romas in the settlement Main problems: Unemployment rate Crime drug addiction Life conditions

4 Our Goals Indirect goals: Crime reducing Increasing young people responsibility Direct goal: Mentors support young people at risk

5 The target group of the program Peer mentor – live in Bag Committied crime Hasn’t commited crime Non-peer mentor Don’t live in Bag, studying at university

6 Mentees Children at risk (crime and drug) Children are not at risk - prementors

7 The training Mix group Experimental learning method and role plays 10 peer mentors and 7 non-peer mentors

8 Mentoring 8 peer mentors and 7 non-peer mentors Meeting every week during 6 mounths Supervision for the work

9 Difficulties The probation office did not accept the program Mentors personal problems Lack of social skills Lack of capacity

10 Results From the 17 trained mentors remaind 11 Inhabitants welcome and accept this project Improving social skills Good relationship between peer an non- peer mentors and mentors and mentees

11 Thank you for your contribution!

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