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ITS /MFT installation concept CERN 27 September 2012 Corrado Gargiulo.

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Presentation on theme: "ITS /MFT installation concept CERN 27 September 2012 Corrado Gargiulo."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITS /MFT installation concept CERN 27 September 2012 Corrado Gargiulo

2 Beam Pipe Valve TPC Absorber SIDE A SIDE C ITS Layer 1,2, 3 Layer 4,5 Layer 6,7 ITS MFT MFT& ITS Services Corrado Gargiulo

3 MFT Vs SERVICES In order to be able to extract the MFT without displacing the TPC, all MFT services should come from A-side. In case it is necessary to route some of the services to the C-side, they should be implemented so they can be connected and disconnected remotely. A-side C-side

4 Beam Pipe Support C-Side Beam Pipe intermediate support ITS Outer Barrel ITS Inner Barrel MFT Vs BEAM PIPE SUPPORTS Corrado Gargiulo The insertion of each half MFT has to take into account the beampipe intermediate support, which consist of an horizontal carbon bar placed inside the TPC. This is in the way of the MFT translation towards the nominal position.

5 SUPPORT CAGE Corrado Gargiulo Beam Pipe Cage (bottom-half) Rails BeamPipe installation on Support Cage

6 Beam Pipe Cage (bottom-half) Rails TPC Corrado Gargiulo BeamPipe installation on Support Cage TPC

7 Beam Pipe Cage (bottom-half) Rails TPC Corrado Gargiulo TPC sliding to final position Cage hanging to TPC TPC

8 Beam Pipe Cage (bottom-half) Rails TPC Corrado Gargiulo Temporary Rails removal

9 MFT Corrado Gargiulo MFT +services carrers in parking position The installation of the MFT foresees the insertion from the A-side in the TPC through a guided movement along the beam pipe. For installation purposes the MFT is divided in two halves, top and bottom, to get around the beam pipe and each half is installed independently from the other. With the MFT mounted around the beampipe in its parking position, the beampipe vacuum valve interferes with service carriers. In order to avoid such interference, the services carriers will be opened radially with respect to the beam line,

10 MFT Corrado Gargiulo MFT +services carrers moving in The MFT half barrel is inserted in the TPC in a position radially shifted to gain the needed clearance with the beam pipe and its intermediate support. The insertion and its final positioning is achieved by a guides system that drives the translation. Services carriers will be progressively closed to reach the final arrangement while the detector is translated towards the interaction point.

11 MFT Corrado Gargiulo Services carriers will be progressively closed to reach the final arrangement while the detector is translated towards the interaction point. MFT +services carrers moving in

12 MFT Corrado Gargiulo In the last centimeters of the translation along the z-axis the MFT approach the beampipe with a radial movement to reach the final position. MFT +services carrers in position

13 Layer 1,2, 3 Layer 4, 5 Layer 6,7 Outer Half Barrel Inner Half Barrel ITS Half Barrel ITS

14 a)b)c) d)e)f) ITS Outer Layers Corrado Gargiulo

15 ITS Inner Layers

16 MFT structure: guides system Corrado Gargiulo

17 MFT structure: guides system rollers Corrado Gargiulo

18 MFT structure : guides system guides Corrado Gargiulo

19 MFT structure : guides system guides Corrado Gargiulo

20 ~ n 4 250mmx30mm TBC MFT services carriers MFT services carriers ITS layer 4,5 services carriers ITS layer 6,7 services carriers ITS layer 1,2, 3 services carriers

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