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Modern Classical Music. Modern Era of Music Music Appreciation A Short Introduction to Modern Classical Music The Fast and Friendly Guide to the Modern.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Classical Music. Modern Era of Music Music Appreciation A Short Introduction to Modern Classical Music The Fast and Friendly Guide to the Modern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Classical Music

2 Modern Era of Music Music Appreciation A Short Introduction to Modern Classical Music The Fast and Friendly Guide to the Modern Era of Classical Music Characteristics  A break with the past / “rules” are made to be broken  Dissonance / atonal  Aleotoric Music = Chance Music  Use of prepared pianos, sprechstimme, & musical use of non-instruments

3 Modern Era of Music Music Appreciation Notable Composers:  Neo-classicist: Stravinsky  Modernist: Schoenburg  Neo-Romantic: Mahler  Aleotoric composer: Cage  Minimalist: Glass  Electronic: Stockhausen  Many composers write music for films: John Williams

4 Igor Stravinsky Seen as the musical counterpoint to Picasso Changed his style many times Firebird Suite

5 Arnold Schoenberg Developed twelve-tone music Fled from Germany to escape Hitler’s reign Pierrot Lunaire (see next slide) Note use of “sprechstimme” in song


7 John Cage Aleotoric composer Known for “prepared piano” pieces & avant- garde music 4’33’’ Read as “4 minutes and 33 seconds” AND now…a live performance by your Queen…or Mrs. Fritts

8 Karlheinz Stockhausen Known for electronic & aleatoric music Gesang der Junglinge “Song of the Youths” Gesang der Junglinge

9 Is this music? Reading Article A & B Instructions: 1.Find one partner 2.Decide who will be Reader 1 & who will be Reader 2 3.Find a piece of blank paper, a writing utensil, & your article 4.Reader 1 reads 1 st paragraph out loud to Reader 2, Reader 2 listens carefully & takes notes 5.Reader 2 reads next paragraph & Reader 1 takes notes 6.Reader 1 & 2 keep switching roles until entire article is read.Questions 1.Both articles are titled “Why Do We Hate Modern Classical Music?” Do they agree? 2.What does “sound like bus crashes” refer to & do you agree? 3.Retell a story from the articles that you remember/thought was interesting.

10 Additional Examples of Modern Classical Music “Einstein on the Beach” by Philip Glass “Einstein on the Beach” by Philip Glass “Helicopter Quartet” by Karlheinz Stockhausen “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy – example of Impressionism “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy Six Bagatelles by ANTON WEBERN – example of Twelve Tone music Six Bagatelles by ANTON WEBERN

11 20 th Century American Classical Music A brief list of American Classical Composers with musical examples A brief list of American Classical Composers with musical examples Discussion Question: Why are these composers not included in the “Modern Classical Composers” section of this unit?

12 Modern Classical Review What do you know? Classical/Romantic era rules broken Atonal is _______ Dissonance sounds like ________ Major Genres / Styles are ________ Aleotoric music is ________ Major modern & American composers are _________ What is the genre/style of each composer? Give examples of each genre Perform your own sprechstimme – ready go!

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