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Claudia Guevara 2 nd Grade Math 3535 2727 4949 1 6 8 10 2323 5757.

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Presentation on theme: "Claudia Guevara 2 nd Grade Math 3535 2727 4949 1 6 8 10 2323 5757."— Presentation transcript:


2 Claudia Guevara 2 nd Grade Math 3535 2727 4949 1 6 8 10 2323 5757

3 How many fish are in their bowl? 3535 4545 1212 7 11

4 How many birds are outside their cage? 2727 1313 1414 5656

5 How many dogs have a bone? 4747 3434 1313 5858

6 How many turtles are upside down? 2929 8 13 5757 4848

7 How many monkeys don’t have a banana? 5 10 5959 1212 3434

8 How many rats are angry? 4747 4949 2424 3636

9 How many horses have a carrot? 1717 3838 3636 4646

10 How many ants are doing exercise? 1 12 11 12 4949 2525

11 Thank you for playing!



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