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Teams Work, Teams Win The measure of success is not just how many hands are working, but how well they are working together. Ron Kaufman.

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2 Teams Work, Teams Win The measure of success is not just how many hands are working, but how well they are working together. Ron Kaufman

3 Teams Work, Teams Win If nothing is happening, don’t ask what is missing, ask who is missing. Ron Kaufman Without leadership, nothing happens. Michael Hammer

4 Teams Work, Teams Win A smile when giving criticism can make the difference between resentment and reform. Phillip Steinmetz Be honest, and kind. Ron Kaufman

5 Teams Work, Teams Win Synergy is the bonus achieved when things work together harmoniously. Mark Twain A team with synergy requires less and produces more. Ron Kaufman

6 Teams Work, Teams Win The only time to look down on someone is when you are giving them a hand up. Jesse Jackson It doesn’t hurt to help. Brighten Kaufman

7 Teams Work, Teams Win Everything worth doing, is worth getting done together. Ron Kaufman

8 Teams Work, Teams Win People may not remember exactly what you did or said, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Rebecca Finkelstein A loving connection creates a lasting impression. Ron Kaufman

9 Teams Work, Teams Win Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble. Frank Tyger

10 Teams Work, Teams Win A word is not a bird. It cannot be placed back in the cage. Russian proverb Words not said never need to be taken back. Ron Kaufman

11 Teams Work, Teams Win The same fence that shuts others out also shuts you in. William Taylor

12 Teams Work, Teams Win Write kindness in marble. Write injuries in the dust. Persian proverb Remembering good adds to your future. Remembering pain only adds to your pain. Ron Kaufman

13 Teams Work, Teams Win I have often regretted my speech, never my silence. Abraham Lincoln

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