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Center Grove High School WELCOMES YOU! January 29, 2014 Incoming Freshmen Parent Scheduling Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Center Grove High School WELCOMES YOU! January 29, 2014 Incoming Freshmen Parent Scheduling Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center Grove High School WELCOMES YOU! January 29, 2014 Incoming Freshmen Parent Scheduling Night

2 AGENDA Introduction of Staff Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting Scheduling Timeline/Process Honors Classes (AP Courses) Counseling Services Student Panel Question and Answer

3 Administrative Staff Mr. Douglas Bird, Principal Mr. William Betts, Assistant Principal Mrs. Tricia Ferguson, Assistant Principal Mrs. Sandy Hillman, Assistant Principal & Director of Early College Mr. Jacob Short, Dean of Students

4 Counseling Staff A-BMrs. Pam Price, Director B-GreMs. Patti Duckworth Gri-MaMrs. Stephanie Paul Mc-ScMrs. Connie Poston Se-ZMrs. Jean Welton Early College Ms. Lindsay Bentz Social Worker Mrs. Shawna Smith-Jefferson Guidance Secretary Mrs. Karen Cornett Registrar Mrs. Beth Duffey

5 Tonight’s Purpose Explain the high school scheduling process, timelines and expectations Educate you on the high school terminology and programs Answer questions/concerns

6 Scheduling Timeline Parent information meeting—January 29 Middle school counselors will be distributing scheduling materials to students Monday, February 3, 2014 Students begin completing course selection forms and making online course requests Online requests for adding Honors Courses due Wednesday, February 5, 2014

7 Honors Courses Preparation for Advanced Placement (AP) and college-level work More critical thinking More intensive reading and writing assignments Self-discipline and motivation is necessary Good organizational skills are important

8 Honors Selection Process Criteria Used: SRI, CSI, ISTEP+ Results, Classroom grades Number of Honors Classes Link to Google Doc. will be available on the Guidance Website February 3, 2014 Online requests for adding Honors Courses due Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014

9 Scheduling Checklist Seven semester courses selected for each semester (not including study hall) Six alternate courses selected Online course requests completed Parent and student signature



12 Online Course Requests are not available in the new version of Skyward Family Access yet. Click ‘Back to Prior Student Access’ to return to the old version







19 Scheduling Deadlines Thursday, February 6, 2014 Course selection form returned to middle school counselors Online course selections entered on Skyward High School Counselors will be meeting with their incoming 9 th grade students MS Central—February 20, 2014 MS North—February 21, 2014 Student Course Requests will not be changed after May 1, 2014

20 Schedule Change Policy Students will not be able to drop any course unless the request meets the following criteria:  need to meet high school graduation requirements  need to meet college entrance requirements  need to balance over-crowded classes  an error in computer entry  late staff changes Requested changes related to teacher assignments, lunch assignments, and class periods. etc. will not be considered. Students who in enroll in year long courses are committing to the course for both semesters.

21 Counseling Services Academic Counseling  Individual Counseling ◦Counselors and Social Worker Academic/Vocational Testing  PSAT, SAT, ACT, EXPLORE, PLAN, ECA Post-Secondary Planning  College/Vocational School/Military/Workforce  Financial Aid/Scholarships/College Applications  NCAA Clearinghouse

22 Question and Answer Student Panel Department Representatives Counselors Administrators

23 Remember… Course selection forms and online requests are due to your middle school guidance office Thursday, February 6 th !

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