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FRANKLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT. Preparing Our Franklin Middle School Students Building the Foundation for High School and Beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "FRANKLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT. Preparing Our Franklin Middle School Students Building the Foundation for High School and Beyond."— Presentation transcript:


2 Preparing Our Franklin Middle School Students Building the Foundation for High School and Beyond

3 Administrative Staff Mr. RaShawn M. Adams, Principal Mrs. Nikkii Tatum, Vice Principal Mr. Ammon Barksdale, Vice Principal Mrs. Debra Osman, Dean of Students Mr. Chester Smith, Dean of Students Ms. Katherine LaBirt, CODA

4 Introduction of FMS Administrative Team Mr. Nicholas DiMeglio - District Referendum Mrs. Ardaman Singh - FMS PTSO Mrs. Francis – FMS “Mixed Bag” Fundraiser Mr. Adams – Closing Remarks TONIGHT’S AGENDA

5 FMS Faculty The FMS Faculty will be located in the following hallways: 100 - Social Studies Auditorium – Dance Class 200 - Science 300 - World Language 400 - Language Arts and Mathematics 500 - Health and Physical Education/FVPA 300/500 - Related Arts

6 Guidance Counselors Mrs. Quiyon Peters, Students Last Name: A-G Mrs. Precious Acolatse, Students Last Name: H-Pa Mr. Aaron Kleinman, Students Last Name: Pe-Z Mrs. Valerie Northey, Student Assistant Coordinator

7 Child Study Team Members Cathryn Bellezza – Psychologist A – Ca (7 th grade) & A – Gale (8 th grade) Lois Cody - Psychologist Ch – Kan (7 th grade) & Gall – Jos (8 th grade) Ellen Rousseau – Learning Consultant Kar – Pon (7 th grade) & La – Tow (8th grade) Mary-Jo Matinho - Social Worker Pre – Z (7 th grade) & Tu – Z (8 th grade) Rosemarie Kiser - Speech

8 Franklin Middle School’s Expectations To ensure that all middle school students attain the knowledge and skills to be prepared for their future. Here is what you can expect the staff to discuss with you

9 Tonight’s Plan Meet the Classroom Teachers a. Information regarding curriculum b. Grade Policy c. Classroom instructional expectations Instructional Lab Teachers : In Classrooms a. School Wide Program b. Language Arts and Mathematics PTSO Membership Drive District Referendum Administration- Available for questions

10 What the research says… Middle school is a defining point for students in the college and career readiness process. Source: The Forgotten Middle: Ensuring that All Students Are On Target For College and Career Readiness Before High School, ACT, 2008.

11 College and Career Readiness Academic Skills Academic Behaviors High School Readiness Middle School Success

12 Academic Skills

13 What the research says… The level of academic achievement that students attain by eighth grade has a larger impact on their college and career readiness than anything that happens academically in high school. Source: The Forgotten Middle: Ensuring that All Students Are On Target For College and Career Readiness Before High School, ACT, 2008.

14 Reading Science Challenges Forward History Courses Franklin Middle School Students Take English Mathematics Social Studies World Language Physical Ed Art Health Science Electives Instructional Lab

15 Instructional Lab: Language Arts and Mathematics Additional Instructional Opportunity in Language Arts and Mathematics This is NOT “Study Hall” Rotating Schedule A-C (A), B-D(B) Days with World Language Pass/Fail Class this year Marking period rotation

16 Sample Instruction Lab Class World Language (All Periods) A DayB DayC DayD Day Spanish 7 th grade SpanishMathematicsSpanishMathematics Spanish 8 th grade LanguageSpanishLanguageSpanish

17 65 % 25 % 10 % Course Placement Finding the Balance Course Rigor Course Success

18 Supporting Academics Stay involved in your child’s education. Attend parent conferences. Stay aware of your child’s homework and school demands. Attend school events. Try to connect outside experiences to school learning to increase interest and relevance. Tips for Parents

19 Supporting Academic Behaviors Ensure that your child has the materials and place to study at home. Set a regular time for homework. Encourage your child to be responsible for chores and homework. Provide your child with a range of experiences to allow him/her to identify areas of strength. Talk to your child. Tips for Parents

20 Academic Behaviors

21 What the research says… The earlier a student develops important academically related behaviors, the more likely these behaviors are to become a habit. Source: The Forgotten Middle: Ensuring that All Students Are On Target For College and Career Readiness Before High School, ACT, 2008.

22 Academic Behaviors Orderly Behavior Positive Relationships Academic Discipline Attendance

23 Supporting Academic Behaviors PBSIS--Positive Behavior Support in Schools –Knight Tokens & Positive Behavior Referrals –Quarterly PBSIS Assemblies Raffles Games & Activities Pep Rallies –Court-Yard –School Store –Student Lounge (Coming Soon)

24 Questions? Please contact Us: School: 732-249-6410 ext. 201 Virtual Backpack: All important documents are located on the FMS Webpage

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