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Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition Working Together as a Community for Successful Reintegration.

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Presentation on theme: "Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition Working Together as a Community for Successful Reintegration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition Working Together as a Community for Successful Reintegration

2 Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition  Coalition of Human Services, Faith Based, Governmental, and various other Program and Service Providers with the intention of helping ex offenders coming into Pinellas County either out of the Department of Corrections or the Pinellas County Jail successfully reenter society and not recidivate.

3 Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition  Statistics: 2000 + inmates from DOC come into Pinellas County per month/year after serving a sentence in a state prison 607/7282 reenter Pinellas County per month/year after serving a county jail sentence Recidivism Rates: Prison, 60-70%; Pinellas County Jail, 50-60%

4 Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition  What ex offenders need in order to be successful and not re-offend: Housing Subsistence resources Medications/counseling EMPLOYMENT

5 Federal Reentry Initiatives  “ In the past, we have worked together to bring mentors to the children of prisoners, and provide treatment for the addicted, and help for the homeless. Tonight I ask you to consider another group of Americans in need of help. This year, some 600,000 inmates will be released from prison back into society.”

6 Federal Reentry Initiatives  “ We know from long experience that if they can't find work, or a home, or help, they are much more likely to commit more crimes and return to prison. So tonight, I propose a four- year, 300 million dollar Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative to expand job training and placement services, to provide transitional housing, and to help newly released prisoners get mentoring, including from faith- based groups.”

7 Federal Reentry Initiatives  “ America is the land of the second chance, and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life.”  President George W. Bush, as delivered in the State of the Union Address, January 21, 2004.

8 PERC HISTORY  The Coalition, in its earliest form, began coming together in April, 1988 based on a “Needs At Release Survey” done by the Pinellas County Jail. The PERC has met diligently each month for well over ten years to try and meet ex offender needs  January, 1989 “Coming Home: Corrections and Human Service Professionals Cooperating to Help Ex Offenders Reenter the Community Successfully” This Showcase of Services, which links ex offenders to resources,is held yearly, usually at PTEC South

9 PERC HISTORY (cont.)  October, 1999 Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition incorporated by the State of Florida. Finally, in November, 2001 PERC awarded first grant in order to obtain 501c3, continue in jail/prison contact with soon to be release inmates and support for the Showcase of Services.

10 Local Initiatives  Programs: Project New Attitudes Project Success WorkNet Pinellas STARS Goodwill Operation PAR Sixth Judicial Circuit Various Others

11 Local Initiatives  Faith Based: Grant Funded; Grant Funding Initiatives Federal Office, Oversight Churches, Chaplains – All Denominations –Greene Chapel AME –Catholic Dioceses of St. Petersburg –Catholic Charities –Mt. Zion Human Services

12 Opportunity  Advantages of Hiring Ex Offenders: Loyalty Lowered Training Costs Work Opportunity Tax Credits Federal Bonding Programs – Limits Risk, Liability – Insurance Immediately Advantages of Community Supervision –Federal, State, and County Level –Enhanced Lines of Communication

13 Contact Information  Frank Kopczynski, PERC Chairman, Host Criminal Justice Forum (Saturday’s at noon 1340 AM) 727-530- 0146,  Mark Sieg, Assistant Program Manager, Goodwill Industries Suncoast, 727-523-1423 ext.417,  Michael Jalazo, Program Administrator, Project New Attitudes, Pinellas County Sheriffs Office, 727-453- 7407,

14 Contact Information   Web Address:

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