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Www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior, Communication Presented to Sir Ahmed Tisman Pasha Presented By: Alia Ashraf(07-19)

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Presentation on theme: "Www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior, Communication Presented to Sir Ahmed Tisman Pasha Presented By: Alia Ashraf(07-19)"— Presentation transcript:

1 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior, Communication Presented to Sir Ahmed Tisman Pasha Presented By: Alia Ashraf(07-19)

2 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:2 Functions of Communication Communication Functions 1.Control member behavior. 2.Foster motivation for what is to be done. 3.Provide a release for emotional expression. 4.Provide information needed to make decisions. Communication Functions 1.Control member behavior. 2.Foster motivation for what is to be done. 3.Provide a release for emotional expression. 4.Provide information needed to make decisions. Communication The transference and the understanding of meaning.

3 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:3 Elements of the Communication Process  The sender  Encoding  The message  The channel  Decoding  The receiver  Noise  Feedback

4 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:4 The Communication Process Model Communication Process The steps between a source and a receiver that result in the transference and understanding of meaning. E X H I B I T 10–1

5 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:5 The Communication Process  Sender – Intiates a message by encoding thought.  Message – Actual physical product from from sender’s encoding.

6 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:6 The Communication Process  Channel – The medium selected by the sender through which the message travels to the receiver.  Types of Channels – formal channels – Formal channels

7 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:7 The Communication Process – Formal Channels Are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members. – Informal Channels Used to transmit personal or social messages in the organization. These informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices.

8 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:8 Direction of Communication Upward Downward Lateral

9 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:9 What is organizational communication?  Downward communication. – The flow of information follows the chain of command from top to bottom. – Downward communication informs lower level personnel about the higher level managers’: Strategies. Objectives. Instructions. Policies. Feedback.

10 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:10 What is organizational communication?  Upward communication. – The flow of information from lower to higher levels of the organization. – Upward communication informs higher level personnel about lower level workers’: Problems. Results. Suggestions. Questions. Needs.

11 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:11 What is organizational communication?  Lateral communication. – The flow of information across members of same work group or among managers at same level. – Lateral communication enables persons and work units to coordinate: Problems. Needs. Advice. Feedback.

12 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:12 What is organizational communication?  Lateral communication — cont. – Very important in high performance organizations. Serving external customers. Serving internal customers.

13 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:13 Interpersonal Communication  Oral Communication – Speeches, formal one-on-one and group discussions. – Advantages: Speed and feedback. – Disadvantage: Distortion of the message.

14 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:14 Interpersonal Communication  Written Communication – memos;, letters, fax transmissions, e-mail, instant messaging. – Advantages: Tangible and verifiable. – Disadvantages: Time consuming and lacks feedback.

15 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:15 Interpersonal Communication  Nonverbal Communication – A glance, a stare, a smile and any body movement. – Advantages: Supports other communications and provides observable expression of emotions and feelings. – Disadvantage: Misperception of body language or gestures can influence receiver’s interpretation of message.

16 www.BZUPAGES.COM Organizational Behavior:16 Intonations: It’s the Way You Say It! Change your tone and you change your meaning: Placement of the emphasis What it means Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight?I was going to take someone else. Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight? Instead of the guy you were going with. Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight? I’m trying to find a reason why I shouldn’t take you. Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight? Do you have a problem with me? Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight? Instead of going on your own. Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight? Instead of lunch tomorrow. Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight? Not tomorrow night.

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