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Spring 2012 Session 5 Dr. Alma Kadragic. Tonight’s program Invitation from Dr. Swapna Koshy Tomorrow night ticket Discuss Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2012 Session 5 Dr. Alma Kadragic. Tonight’s program Invitation from Dr. Swapna Koshy Tomorrow night ticket Discuss Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2012 Session 5 Dr. Alma Kadragic

2 Tonight’s program Invitation from Dr. Swapna Koshy Tomorrow night ticket Discuss Campus News Story Exercise 2

3 Invitation from Dr. Swapna Koshy This is to invite students registered in the Media and Communication course to speak to / interact with undergraduates enrolled for Business Communication. The available slots are between 8.30am-10.30 am on 18 th and 25 th April or 2 nd May. Students could give a short presentation ( in any format – with/without slides, an activity/game) on use of new media or any new communication technique. On April 25 th there will also be a poster presentation for which their feedback will be greatly appreciated.

4 Once in a lifetime opportunity Emirates Festival of Literature Festival E-Ticket Thursday, March 8 at 9 pm Steve Coll with Riz Khan Intercontinental Hotel, Festival City Al Ras 1 Ballroom Freeeeeee!

5 Go to this URL and click to find Lecture notes E-readings for MMC 910 and 911 Additional readings contributed by class members Have you contributed to class dialogue?

6 On Campus News Story Due today before class Returned to you this weekend – by late Saturday Revised version due by email to me before next week’s class – Wednesday, March 14 Revisions may require more research, interviews, and/or rewriting some or all of story Each version is worth 10% of your grade

7 Exercise 2 tonight Exercise 1 was writing an opening paragraph on a given topic Exercise 2 is writing the second paragraph An opening paragraph will be on the screen You will write the next paragraph, taking the story in any direction you select

8 Writing the paragraph for Exercise #2 Assignment is one paragraph Paragraph follows the opening paragraph on the screen Keep to same tone, approach as the opening paragraph There are many ways to write the second paragraph Spelling and punctuation are important No sms language or abbreviations

9 Exercise #2 The University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD) is not a branch campus of the University of Wollongong (UOW) near Sydney in Australia. UOWD is related to UOW academically but while the other universities in Knowledge Village are not allowed to issue degrees in the UAE, UOWD is. A student graduating from UOWD decides whether the degree he or she receives will be from UOWD or UOW. A student graduating from a neighboring institution like Middlesex, Islamic Azad, or Herriot-Watts does not have that choice. They are branch campuses that cannot issue degrees in Dubai; only the parent institution in the UK or Iran can issue degrees.

10 How do you start? Read the opening paragraph several times Decide what direction you will take In your paragraph, you can introduce a second topic that follows from the first paragraph Many possibilities Your paragraph has to be constructed like a paragraph: topic sentence and supporting sentences The paragraph should have 3-5 sentences

11 After you’ve written Proofread Read again Proofread again Read one final time Email to me:

12 Session 6 next week We will go over Writing Exercise #2 Revised On Campus News Story is due before class Email your Revised On Campus News Story as an attachment before class on Wednesday, March 14 I will not accept stories emailed after 6 pm on March 14 We will discuss the Field Trip story due March 21

13 MMC911 Introduction to News Writing That’s it for tonight. Use the weekend to continue with MMC910 readings and prepare your part of the team presentation See you Monday in MMC910. Three teams will be presenting their views of the readings. Be prepared to take notes.

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