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IMG Supervision Explained Webinar. About GPSA GPSA is the national representative body that unites GP Supervisors by promoting recognition for supervision.

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Presentation on theme: "IMG Supervision Explained Webinar. About GPSA GPSA is the national representative body that unites GP Supervisors by promoting recognition for supervision."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMG Supervision Explained Webinar

2 About GPSA GPSA is the national representative body that unites GP Supervisors by promoting recognition for supervision work through open and accountable advocacy “We are the voice of GP Supervision making the next generation of family doctors” “We want to make GP Supervision rewarding, respected and recognised” “We are working to recruit and retain quality supervisors” -Lobby and work with relevant health sector policy makers and representatives -Work with and listen to our members and support members -Negotiate the National Terms and Conditions between Supervisors and Registrars on behalf of Supervisors

3 Webinar Housekeeping Muting and Background Noise How to ask a question We are recording this webinar to share with other supervisors Your continued attendance will be taken as permission given

4 Your Presenter Dr George Zaharias GP Since 1981 Masters Degree in Family Medicine Medical Educator with VMA RACGP Examiner Previous work as an AHPRA assessor of IMGs 2007-12 Monash University Senior Lecturer Principle facilitator of AMC Bridging Course for overseas trained doctors Currently Employed as Education Enhancement Officer at VMA: Responsible for managing underperforming registrars Conducting formal assessments of clinical skills Providing focused educational programs for doctors found in breach of AHPRA regulations

5 Your Webinar Sponsor GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors

6 What we will cover tonight GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Common challenges faced and how to navigate them Recognising and managing cultural barriers to learning vs overall competency Avoiding burnout as a supervisor How to orientate and establish effective supervision regimen for your IMG registrar Legal obligations of employers and colleagues What you need to understand about your registrar’s culture How a registrars culture may impact on your communications, relationship and practice

7 IMGs : Disparate Group GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Past experiences – Country of origin – Australia Knowledge Skills Motivation Rigidity

8 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Language: Command of English Fluency “Thinking in their language”.

9 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Communication Skills: Nuances, cues, idiom, slang, humour Provision of information explanations Delivery of management plan

10 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Self-confidence, assertiveness: Medico-legal scenarios

11 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Boundaries: Inadequate language Inappropriate touch Informed consent

12 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors The Australian Context: Patient centredness Respect and the notion of “equality” Relationship to the Supervisor Shared decision making, negotiation

13 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Knowledge: Application of knowledge Study resources and study methods Adult learning

14 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Clinical Skills: Physical examination Clinical reasoning: jumping to conclusions; managing uncertainty and “shades of grey” Investigations: over-reliance, difficulty interpreting and managing

15 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Documentation

16 The Difficulties… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors What are some of the difficulties that you, as supervisors, experience?

17 Teaching Strategies… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Direct observation Video-recording and feedback Role-playing and discussion of difficult situations Sitting in with an experienced doctor

18 Teaching Strategies… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Improving: History taking Physical examination Overall structure of consultation

19 Teaching Strategies… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Case discussion with emphasis on: Clinical reasoning and Problem formulation

20 Teaching Strategies… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Creating structured management plans Tailoring management plans to the individual, including negotiation with the patient of agreed outcomes Delivering management plans effectively and confidently

21 Teaching Strategies… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Developing self-confidence and taking control of the consultation

22 Take Home Messages… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Try to understand them – Their background – Personal and life issues

23 Take Home Messages… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Engage them – What do they perceive are the issues/difficulties?

24 Take Home Messages… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors What are the fundamental issues? – It’s not always “knowledge gaps” and “cultural”

25 Take Home Messages… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Direct observation and/or video with feedback

26 Take Home Messages… GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Practical advice, role-plays

27 Thank You GPSA – Supporting a sustainable future for GP Supervisors Webinar Sponsor: Dr George Zaharias

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