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How much energy, CO 2 & money can we save in buildings? - and what would it take to unleash the potential? Jens H Laustsen, Senior Policy Analyst, IEA.

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Presentation on theme: "How much energy, CO 2 & money can we save in buildings? - and what would it take to unleash the potential? Jens H Laustsen, Senior Policy Analyst, IEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 How much energy, CO 2 & money can we save in buildings? - and what would it take to unleash the potential? Jens H Laustsen, Senior Policy Analyst, IEA Eelco van Heel, CEO, Rockwool International A/S

2 Agenda 8.30 Welcome by Eelco van Heel, CEO, Rockwool International 8.35How much energy, CO2 and money can we save in buildings? by Jens H Laustsen, Senior Policy Analyst, International Energy Agency 8.50Green growth – green jobs. How can we pick the low hanging fruits and save energy costs and CO 2 in our buildings? by Eelco van Heel, CEO Rockwool International 9.00Questions and Answers 9.20End of session

3 As an example: When buildings undergoing modernisation are brought up to modern energy standards EU potential  Energy worth € 270 billion can be saved  460 million tonnes of CO 2 emission prevented (by 2030)  +500 000 jobs created Similar substantial US potentials have been calculated, including  1.1 mio. jobs created Can we afford to take on CO2 reduction commitments? Sources: Ecofys, EURIMA, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

4 The world  In 2030, 70% of the World’s population (6 billion people) will live in urban areas  In 2030, CO2 emissions from buildings up 50%, due to increased use of airconditioning in Asia and the US  Huge potential in making industrial plants more energy efficient  Less dependent of energy import  Current UN climate negotiations stalling - nobody wants to be the first to move Can we afford to take on CO2 reduction commitments?

5 Can home owners afford it?  Newbuild: Monthly heating costs down to 10 EUR (or even 0)  Existing buildings: Energy renovation can cut energy costs by +50%  Increased comfort  Better insulation is the easiest and most profitable personal contribution to CO2 reduction

6 Barriers:  Low priority  Lack of knowledge  Funding  Lack of competences among craftsmen, contractors and architects  Owner/tenant dilemma  No sense of urgency But... market forces do not work

7  Strengthen energy requirements considerably  Make the Passive House our standard choice (mandatory in new UK buildings from 2013)  Always make building renovations energy efficient  Make public buildings energy efficient role models  Provide one-stop energy efficiency packages for home-owners  Allow landlords to profit from energy renovation initiatives  Provide up-front financing  Use intelligent incentives - like in UK, Germany and France  Assure ambitious result at COP15 Key recommendations

8 The fight against climate change starts at home ! Questions?

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