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BALLET VOCABULARY McCloud b2. FIRST POSITION Both feet are flat on the floor in the shape of a “v” Ideal first position = straight line (180 degrees)

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Presentation on theme: "BALLET VOCABULARY McCloud b2. FIRST POSITION Both feet are flat on the floor in the shape of a “v” Ideal first position = straight line (180 degrees)"— Presentation transcript:


2 FIRST POSITION Both feet are flat on the floor in the shape of a “v” Ideal first position = straight line (180 degrees)

3 SECOND POSITION Feet are flat on the floor hip’s width apart

4 THIRD POSITION Heel of the front foot is in front of the arch of the back foot

5 FOURTH POSITION OPEN Sort of like an open third position, the heel of the front foot is in line with the arch of the back foot Feet are your foot’s length apart

6 FOURTH POSITION CLOSED The heel of the front foot is in line with the toes of the back foot

7 FIFTH POSITION Feet are crossed with one foot in front of the other and toes turned out to the sides Ideal fifth = toe to heel and heel to toe

8 DEMI PLIÉ Half bend

9 GRAND PLIÉ Full bend

10 ELEVÉ To rise from straight legs

11 RELEVÉ To rise from bent legs

12 TENDU To stretch

13 DÉGAGÉ To disengage

14 GRAND BATTEMENT Large beating of the leg Remember to go through tendu and degage. Remember to use the hamstrings (the muscles at the back of the leg) to lift the leg.

15 EN CROIX In the shape of a cross The pattern of en croix is front, side, back, side Movements that can be performed en croix: tendu, degage, grand battement, sissonne, echappe, etc

16 ROND DE JAMBE Rounding of the leg

17 EN DEHORS Outward Remember: This is a direction, NOT a movement. The foot goes from front to back. Two movements which can be performed en dehors are rond de jambes and pirouettes.

18 EN DEDANS Inwards Remember: This is a direction, NOT a movement. Th.e foot goes from back to front. Rond de jambes and pirouettes are two skills that can be performed en dedans

19 SOUS-SUS Under-over

20 SOUTENU Sustained A soutenu is performed while in sous-sus. Remember to turn into the barre!

21 CAMBRÉ To arch

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