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Emily Raber, ATS and Brian Greene, ATS.  A position of a person’s body when sitting or standing.  The alignment of the body to properly function with.

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Raber, ATS and Brian Greene, ATS.  A position of a person’s body when sitting or standing.  The alignment of the body to properly function with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Raber, ATS and Brian Greene, ATS

2  A position of a person’s body when sitting or standing.  The alignment of the body to properly function with regard to kinematics.

3  Functionality  Minimizing risk of injury (acute and chronic)  Increase quality of life  Effects on Gait Walking Running Performance in activities

4  Alignment: Upper (Above belly button) Low Back and Core Lower (Below belly button)  Congenital Discrepancies  Gait Components  Corrections Posture Gait

5  Anatomy / Proper Alignment Head and Neck Shoulder Girdle Upper Trunk  Ways anatomy affects posture… Muscle Imbalance Congenital

6  Head and Neck Forward head posture Crooked neck

7  Shoulder Girdle Alignment  Rounded shoulders  Unleveled shoulders  Winging scapula

8  Scoliosis  Kyphosis

9  Anatomy Connection  Vertebral Column  Ribs  Abdominals  Low Back Muscles  Hips  Ways anatomy can affect posture… Muscle Imbalance Congenital

10  Abnormalities Scoliosis Lordosis Kyphosis  Importance of Core Stability Provides good base for everything else to move around

11  Anatomy Hip Knee Ankle and Foot  Ways anatomy can affect posture … Muscle Imbalance Neuromuscular Shutdown Congenital Alters gait

12 This cross can be seen in multiple configurations. Lower Cross Syndrome

13  Hip Pelvic tilt  Anterior  Posterior  Unilateral tilt Hip hikes  ayer_detailpage&v=z47XH91hkeQ ayer_detailpage&v=z47XH91hkeQ

14  Knee Genu Valgus Genu Varum Genu Recurvatum Patella Position  Squinting  Frog-eyed Q-Angle



17  Ankle and Foot Pronation Supination Toe-in / toe-out Toe walkers Limited ROM  Dorsiflexion  Great Toe Extension



20  Gait: mechanics and technique of ambulation (walking and running)  Problems with one will effect the other Increases likelihood of injury  Cannot have one without the other Decrease performance

21  Mechanics of ambulation Phases  Heel Strike  Stance  Toe-off  Swing  _detailpage&v=5j4YRHf6Iyo _detailpage&v=5j4YRHf6Iyo  Walking vs. Running  _detailpage&v=Zepb-m9HoQQ _detailpage&v=Zepb-m9HoQQ

22  Individual body awareness Instruction is Key  Congenital Some things we will not be able to fix.  Rehabilitation Goals Expectations

23  Emphasis Heel Strike Toe-Crinkle

24  Scap pinches/push up Emphasis on relaxing upper traps Progressional  4 way arm Emphasis on correct shoulder posture  YTW’s Emphasis on pinching in back  Rows Emphasis pinching in back  Stretches: Pectorals Straight arm on the wall, bent arms in corner, Foam roller back stretch

25  Deadbugs  Nike Touches  SL Toe Touches  Spidermans  Bosu Core  Planks Progression

26  Penguins Emphasis on the “pop” of mid-foot  Straight Leg Lunge Emphasis on hip extensor activation  Hip Bridging Emphasis on terminal hip extension  High knee marching Emphasis on mid-foot position  Walking RDL Emphasis on balance and hip extensor activation

27 Emily Raber, ATS & Brian Greene, ATS Castleton State College Any Questions?

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