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Water Safety.

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1 Water Safety

2 Water Safety Critical for safety afloat and while swimming
What outings involve swimming? Importance of safe swimming [Also a requirement]

3 Acronyms Safe Swim Defense: QPSRLABD Safety Afloat: QPSPBSPPD

4 Safe Swim Defense Safe Swim defense: Q – Qualified supervision
P – Personal Health Review S – Safe Area R – Response personnel [lifeguards] L – Lookout A – ability groups 3 Groups: Nonswimmer, beginners, and swimmer B – Buddy System D - Discipline Safe = trained adult leader Nonswimmer = learning, beginner = can jump into deep water, swim 50 ft. and turn, swimmer passes test

5 Safety Afloat Q – Qualified Supervision P – Personal Health Review
S – Swimming Ability P – Personal Flotation Equipment B – Buddy System S – Skill Proficiency P – Planning P – Proper Equipment D - Discipline Swimming: need to pass swim test to operate, and no test = can ride Pfd – uscg Skills:be good Planning – have a contingency plan

6 BSA Swim Test 1) Jump feetfirst into water over your head
2) Swim 75 yards using the sidestroke, breaststroke, or trudgen crawl. 3) Swim 25 yards using backstroke. Yards must be swum continuously and include one sharp turn.

7 Survival Floating Take a deep breath and relax face down. Keep your head by the surface and ensure that you can kick/reach back up to the surface.

8 Clothing as a life jacket
How to use pants as a flotation device 1) Blow air into pocket 2) Tie pant legs together with a square knot 3) Close the fly 4) Hold the waistband open just below the surface of the water. Cup your hand and splash it into your pants so that the air caught by your hand goes into your pants.

9 Water Rescues Reach – Throw – Row – Go
Reach – reach with hands, feet, or object Throw – throw with an object like a buoy Row – go in a boat Go – swim out with a life preserver, or, in a worst case situation, by yourself. Exhibit great caution. NEVER attempt a swimming rescue unless you are a strong swimmer trained in lifeguarding. Use breastroke and wait until the person becomes calm

10 CPR 1) Call 911 ASAP 2) Be aware of neck injuries
3) If there is water in the person’s mouth, turn them to the side Don’t try to get other water out 4) Open their airway 5) Place your ear to their nose to check for breathing and watch for chest movement 6) Blow into the person’s mouth, keeping their nose sealed. Make sure their chest rises. 7) After 2 breaths, begin chest pumping. Place the heel of one hand over the other. For adults, press about 2 inches down at the nipple line. Do 30 chest compressions at about 100 compressions per minute. Allow the chest to rise and fall.

11 Quiz

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