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Run Leader Development Day Warm Up ideas. Dynamic Movement Walking on heel of foot Walking on balls of feet Knee to chest Hamstring ITB Quadriceps Abductors.

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Presentation on theme: "Run Leader Development Day Warm Up ideas. Dynamic Movement Walking on heel of foot Walking on balls of feet Knee to chest Hamstring ITB Quadriceps Abductors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Run Leader Development Day Warm Up ideas

2 Dynamic Movement Walking on heel of foot Walking on balls of feet Knee to chest Hamstring ITB Quadriceps Abductors Sumo squat and crab High knee hurdle walk Backward walking/ running Carioca – with high knee lift Side steps with hands clapping above head Low leg skipping Knee across skip High knee skip Side swings – forwards, backwards & side

3 Single leg drills Single knee dead leg lift – isolate the running cycle of each leg Single leg – recovery drill – isolate the running cycle of each leg

4 Lunge 1.Hamstring recovery – walk through 2.Forward lunge 3.Backwards lunge 4.Sideways lunge 5.Lunge with twist (rotate upper body and arms) 6.Lunge with arms straight (hands locked together) above head 7.Combination pattern

5 Warm up Games – Count the Passes 1.Create a square using cones 2.Divide the performers into two groups 3.Leader counts the number of passes each group can make before the opponents intercept the ball e.g. 10 4.Performers will need to run within the confines of the playing area but cannot run with the ball. Bounce passes are not allowed.

6 Warm up Games –Touch Pass 1.Create a square using cones 2.Divide the performers into two groups 3.The leader nominates one team to start the game who should try to touch a performer from the opposition using a touch pass. 4.To do this they will need to move around playing area. 5.Performers will need to run within the confines of the playing area but cannot run with the ball. 6.Once a player has been touched they should run a set number of times e.g. 3 around the perimeter of the playing area. 7.The aim is to try and get all the opposition players out within a set time period.

7 Warm up Games - Moving circles Two circles with four players in each circle. The players in each circle jog in a different direction (i.e. clockwise and anti clockwise) The ball is passed between players from one circle to another (any performer) Focus on timing the pass and different types of pass (Donovan, 2010)

8 Warm up Games –Quick fire pass Divide performers into group of two. Standing 5m apart and facing each other the performers pass to each other with one using a chest pass and the other a bounce pass. Performers alternate types of pass.

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