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Manuela M. Marin 1, Richard Parncutt 2 and Christian Kaernbach 3 1,2 Department of Musicology, University of Graz, Austria 3 Department of Psychology,

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2 Manuela M. Marin 1, Richard Parncutt 2 and Christian Kaernbach 3 1,2 Department of Musicology, University of Graz, Austria 3 Department of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany Emotion and unfamiliar music: Electrophysiological and psychological responses to Persian and Western music by Persian and Western listeners SMPC 2007, August 3 Montreal, Quebec

3 page 25/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Emotion in familiar and unfamiliar music  familiar musical styles tend to be preferred (Peretz et al., 1998) and rated as more pleasant (Ritossa & Rickard, 2004)  stronger and more diverse emotions in familiar music (Gabrielsson & Lindström Wik, 2003)  familiarity and liking: joy, calm, movement & fun foreignness and dislike: anger, madness, fear & chaos (Parncutt & Marin, 2006)  musical arousal ratings may depend on familiarity (Ritossa & Rickard, 2004)  sensitivity to emotions in unfamiliar music: acoustic cues more important than culture-specific (Balkwill et al., 2004)

4 page 35/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Skin conductance & musical emotions  studies on tonic levels of EDA (SCL):  focus on mood  few studies on phasic levels of EDA (SCR):  focus on emotion  depends mainly upon stimulus arousal (environmental sounds, affective pictures)  familiar musical style:  SCRs are stronger for stimulating emotions than for relaxing emotions (Khalfa et al., 2002)  musical structure and SCL:  low vs. high arousal: accentuation, tempo, rhythmic articulation (Gomez & Danuser, 2007)

5 page 45/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Familar vs. unfamiliar music - Question Are there differences in psychological and physiological reactions to familiar and unfamiliar music?

6 page 55/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Musical stimuli  three instrumental musical styles:  Western tonal (18 th -19 th century)  Western atonal (20 th century)  classical traditional Persian  more than one instrument, no orchestra  no electronic instruments  wide range of composers  5 emotion categories:  peacefulness, joy, sadness, fear, anger  5 excerpts per emotion; 25 excerpts per style  duration of 5s; 200ms fade-in and fade-out  equalization of loudness

7 page 65/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Pilot study  collection of musical stimuli:  tonal and atonal excerpts by 6 music students and the 1 st author  collection of Persian excerpts by 7 Persian musicians  80 excerpts in Western tonal and atonal styles, rated by 14 music teachers of a conservatory  58 excerpts in classical traditional Persian style, rated by 16 Persian musicians  ratings of  emotion category (peacefulness, joy, sadness, fear, anger)  emotion intensity (5-point rating scale)  criteria for selection  75% of musicians must agree on a specific emotion  emotion intensity (1 = weak, …, 5 = strong): >3

8 page 75/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Participants  29 Austrian participants  13 males, 16 females  mean age: 29.4 years, SD = 4.27  equal distribution of non-musicians and amateur musicians  like listening to Western classical music  18 Persian (Iranian) participants  9 males, 9 females  average time of residence in Austria: 5.4 years, SD = 2.98  mean age: 25.9 years, SD = 5.00  mainly non-musicians  like listening to Persian music

9 page 85/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Psychological measurements  Ratings for each stimulus onto the computer…  familiarity (5-point rating scale)  arousal (SAM, Self-Assessment Manikin)  pleasantness/valence  emotion word (peacefulness, joy, sadness, fear, anger)  emotional intensity (5-point rating scale)  liking (5-point rating scale)  Questionnaires  Beck Depression Inventory, Hautzinger et al.,1995  Multidimensional Mood Questionnaire, Steyr et al.,1997  self-developed questionnaire  musical practice, musical preference, listening habits… (SAM)

10 page 95/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Procedure  participants were tested individually, 1.5-2 hours  double-insulated cabine (sound, electro-magnetic)  headphones (AGK, K240 Studio)  measurement of temperature and humidity before and after measuring SCRs (1)Edinburgh-Handedness-Inventory (Oldfield, 1971) (2)Multidimensional Mood Questionnaire (3)SCR measurements a)Resting period: ~ 5 minutes b)SCR measurements: 25 minutes (4)Multidimensional Mood Questionnaire (5)rating of musical stimuli onto the computer (6)questionnaires, pencil and paper versions

11 page 105/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Analysis of EDA-data  Ledalab  Leipzig electro-dermal activity laboratory Version 2.00 07/2007 (Kaernbach & Benedek)  time window relative to the event: 1-7s  threshold of minimum amplitude for SCRs: 0.02 microsiemens  more than 25% out of 100% possible SCRs

12 page 115/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Familiarity with musical styles Austrians Persians very familiar foreign

13 page 125/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Austrians (N=28): Average values of pleasantness and arousal

14 page 135/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Persians (N=15): Average values of pleasantness and arousal

15 page 145/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Austrians (N=28): Average values of familiarity and liking

16 page 155/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Persians (N=15): Average values of familiarity and liking

17 page 165/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Austrians (N=28): Average values of familiarity and arousal

18 page 175/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Persians (N=15): Average values of familiarity and arousal

19 page 185/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Austrians (N=28): Average values for liking and pleasantness

20 page 195/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Persians (N=15): Average values of liking and pleasantness

21 page 205/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Austrians‘ SCRs to different styles

22 page 215/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Persians‘ SCRs to different styles

23 page 225/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Emotion category & unfamiliar styles  Western listeners:  Persian music:  high agreement on peacefulness and joy, disagreement on other categories  Western atonal music:  high agreement on joy and fear, disagreement on other categories  Persian listeners:  Western tonal music:  high agreement on joy, disagreement on other categories  Western atonal music:  no agreement for all categories

24 page 235/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Conclusion  familiarity with a musical style modulates ratings of pleasantness, liking and arousal  no significant effect of familiarity with style on skin conductance responses  joy seems to be the most easily recognizable emotion in an unfamiliar style

25 Thank you for your attention!

26 page 255/5/2015 SMPC 2007, Montreal, Quebec Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM)  5-point rating scales Arousal: Pleasantness: (Lang, 1980; Bradley & Lang, 1994)

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