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Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards level 6 says Justify using scientific vocabulary, evidence and.

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Presentation on theme: "Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards level 6 says Justify using scientific vocabulary, evidence and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards level 6 says Justify using scientific vocabulary, evidence and Models (Abstract, unfamiliar) ‘this happened because of this scientific reason ….use a model to explain and key science terminology

2 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards A level 5 says ‘this is like this because of this scientific reason……’ Explain using scientific vocabulary Abstract, unfamiliar

3 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards A level 4 says ‘this is different from that because……..’ Er… words Generalisation (Familiar examples)

4 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards A level 3 says ‘this is like this….” because……. Cause and effect

5 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards A level 2 says ‘this is something and that is something else’ ….’ Compare

6 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards A level 1 says ‘this is….’ Recognise

7 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Working towards Early years says and does I saw….

8 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Justify using scientific vocabulary, evidence and Models (Abstract, unfamiliar) L6 Can you explain using a scientific reason? Create a scientific model to explain your ideas What evidence do you have for…..? Use your findings to justify why……. What scientific words can you use to explain. Tell me what you think the words means? DRAFT To move on think/ talk about………..

9 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 Can you tell me why using a scientific because….and scientific words? What evidence do you have? Explain using scientific vocabulary Abstract, unfamiliar L5 DRAFT To move on think/ talk about………..

10 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 What is the reason for the difference(s)……? Use an “er” word to describe the difference/ patterns. Er… words Generalisation (Familiar examples) L4 DRAFT To move on think/ talk about………..

11 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 What happens when? Give a reason for….. When you……what happened to…..? Use because in your idea…. Cause and effect L3 DRAFT To move on think/ talk about………..

12 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 How are they the same? What features are the same/ different? How are they different? Compare L2 DRAFT To move on think/ talk about………..

13 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 To move on think/ talk about……….. What is the.. Where is the… How do you ‘identify’ ? Recognise L1 DRAFT

14 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 To move on think/ talk about……….. What do you see? Feel? Hear? DRAFT Early years

15 Mandy Hodgskinson Science progress bubbles and Qs ERYC ILS DRAFT Jan 2013 The Science Levels Mountain 3 Simple description simple scientific words. Cause and effect. Make models for things you can see 5 Use science in an unfamiliar situation, Science words, functions Use abstract scientific ideas & models 6 Using abstract ideas to explain why things happen Justify using evidence Use models and ideas in unfamiliar situations Describe What? Describe/explain How? Why? Explain Why? 4 What you can see Use simple Science Words to describe relationships Er words What you can ’ t see MH 2011 2 Simple description Compare, sort Say What? Scientific Because…… 1 Use every day words to talk about and draw what you see

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