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+ Orbitofrontal cortex tracks positive mood in mothers viewing pictures of their new born infants. J.B. Nitschke, E.E. Nelson, B.D. Rusch, A.S. Fox, T.R.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Orbitofrontal cortex tracks positive mood in mothers viewing pictures of their new born infants. J.B. Nitschke, E.E. Nelson, B.D. Rusch, A.S. Fox, T.R."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Orbitofrontal cortex tracks positive mood in mothers viewing pictures of their new born infants. J.B. Nitschke, E.E. Nelson, B.D. Rusch, A.S. Fox, T.R. Oakes & R.J. Davidson Interpreted by Kelsey Andison

2 + Introduction Little progress in tracking the circuitry governing positive emotion. Most previous research – almost exclusively : reward paradigms & pharmacological agents with nonhuman mammals. Recent human studies – identify brain substrates associated with reward and drug abusers - limited sampling of positive emotion

3 + How to elicit genuine positive emotion? Some studies asked subjects to re-experience happy life events. Not been previously investigated – positive affect in a mother’s relationship with her infant. Positive emotion in maternal attachment = warmth, joy, fulfillment = post-goal attainment positive affect

4 + Method- Participants/Stimuli 6 Moms (3-5 month infants) no postpartum depression 6 weeks prior came in for photo shoot – infant and friend of mom (same gender as infant) photographed Adult photos = Control Infant photos = Stimuli Mood ratings – 9 point scale for 5 descriptors Happy, Loving, Motherly/Nurturing, & Excited

5 Experimental method

6 + Results Mood – more pleasant after viewing own infant versus unfamiliar infant Bilateral OFC activation to own infant versus unfamiliar infant. Most activation shown in left OFC. Positive correlation between OFC activation and pleasant mood ratings.

7 + Results 1 st Infant scan2nd Infant scan

8 + Results – Key Findings Pleasant Mood = positively correlated with orbitofrontal cortex activation Bilateral OFC activation in all subjects when viewing own infant compared to baseline & unfamiliar infants.

9 + Discussion/ Interesting Points Therefore – OFC implicated in positive emotions Based on own vs. unfamiliar infants – OFC tracks intensity of positive emotion/mood OFC in maternal attachment involves appreciation and enjoyment rather than pursuit of desired objective.

10 + Strengths & Limitations Very clearly laid out method – could be easily replicated Uses an actual positive emotion evoking stimuli not just a reward. Too small of a sample size StrengthsLimitations

11 + My Opinion Overall, I liked the paper. - well explained and very detailed Easy to understand the why and how. Interesting perspective on positive emotion – using a situation where there is an abundance of positive emotion.

12 + Questions?

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