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Work Group Presentation January 2014 Statewide Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Group Presentation January 2014 Statewide Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Group Presentation January 2014 Statewide Meeting

2 Current Literacy Work Group Members

3 We stand on the shoulders of our predecessors


5 Past Literacy Work Group Members

6 Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening

7 Purpose

8 Access content

9 Process

10 Parallel Agenda

11 use the Literacy QI’s to support and strengthen my work with teachers & administrators of students with disabilities regarding literacy practices for: o assessment o development o implementation o monitoring use this workshop as a tool to train staff I Can…

12  Welcome & Purpose  Historical Overview  Create a Common Language of EDI  Accessing the Literacy QIs  Organizing & Integrating Agenda

13 Question & Answer Process Clarifying QuestionInformational Question

14 What? 4 Box Synectics

15 Why? Activate & Engage

16 With your learning partner choose a picture & complete this stem… How?

17 Literacy is like a ______ because… How?



20 Literacy

21 Systemic Support Early Literacy Adolescent Literacy Gr. 4-8 Specially Designed Intensive Instruction Adolescent Literacy Gr. 9-12


23 What?

24 Why? To create a common language about EDI

25 “Say Something” Strategy Partners read silently and simultaneously each set of paragraphs, one set at a time 1 & 2, 35 & 36, 37 & 38, 39 &40 When you and your partner are done reading each set of paragraphs “Say Something” A Paraphrase A Key Idea A Connection A Question Continue to next section How?

26 Using round robin, dialogue with your table group… As a school improvement specialist, when using this article, what questions or prompts might you give teachers to assist them in considering their practice? Debrief

27 What

28 How?

29 Scroll and Text Mapping What

30 Scroll and Text Mapping Why

31 How Modeling of Scroll and Text Mapping the process using think aloud

32 How


34 Using Literacy QI for Early Literacy Phonics

35 How


37 In envelope B you will find 5 sections of the Literacy QIs Each set of partners takes 1 section

38 What are the steps?

39 How

40 What? Jigsaw

41 Why? Review the Literacy QIs and share key ideas

42 How? Round robin share in 30 seconds or less the gist of ONE of the components you and your partner explored


44 What?

45 Why? Organize & Integrate

46 How? On your own complete the 4A’s worksheet Agreements What information and resources do the quality indicators provide? Aspirations What are your aspirations for using the Quality Indicators? Alignments What might you have to do first in order to implement your aspirations? Adjustments What support do you need? What next steps will you take?

47 What?

48 Why? Commit to Application

49 On the envelope, write… Your Name Your Region How?

50 Think Write Pair - Share In the next month, in order to implement your adjustments What support do you need? What next steps will you take?

51 Put your note to self in the envelope Designate someone at your table to bring the envelopes to the box at the door How?

52 Systemic Support Early Literacy Adolescent Literacy Gr. 4-8 Specially Designed Intensive Instruction Adolescent Literacy Gr. 9-12

53 Severe Disabilities Phonological Processing Disabilities Autism Spectrum Disorders Writing Instruction

54 What input might you offer to us as we move forward designing the next Literacy QI’s? What input might you offer to us as we move forward designing the next Literacy QI’s?

55 Cherie Kim Arlene Pam Sue Kathleen

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