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A RCHETYPES ON P ARADE There are a number of identifiable archetypes in literature, art and film spanning centuries. The following slides present some.

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Presentation on theme: "A RCHETYPES ON P ARADE There are a number of identifiable archetypes in literature, art and film spanning centuries. The following slides present some."— Presentation transcript:

1 A RCHETYPES ON P ARADE There are a number of identifiable archetypes in literature, art and film spanning centuries. The following slides present some of the most easily recognizable archetypes in character, situation and symbol.

2 S OME A RCHETYPAL C HARACTERS  Hero/Heroine  Sidekick/Helper  Villain  Wise Sage  Outcast  Oracle  Caring Mother/Earth Mother  Mad Scientist  Femme Fatale  “Don Juan”  Star-Crossed Lovers  Witch/Shrew  Underdog  Stern Father  Damsel in Distress

3 S ITUATIONS  The task/trial  The journey  The quest  The loss of innocence  The initiation  Apocalypse/end of the world  Pursuit of revenge  Descent into the underworld/heavenly ascent  Searching for father  Damsel in distress  Banishment of the prince

4 S OME S YMBOLS /C OLORS /S ITUATIONS  Water  Blood  Death/Birth/Rebirth  Ashes  Caverns  Fertility Symbols (male and female)  Fire  Rose  Snake  Feast  Ruined Tower  Fall from a Great Height

5 A RCHETYPAL C RITICISM Applying a Critical Lens

6 A RCHETYPAL C RITICISM  one of the most common forms of literary analysis  requires a little knowledge of the basics

7 W HAT ARE ARCHETYPES ?  focuses on patterns in a literary work that commonly occur in other works  include persistent images, figures, and story patterns  across diverse cultures  interested in certain myths and rituals that recur in a wide variety of culture

8 W HAT IS AN ARCHETYPE ? a pattern from which other, similar things can be developed “original model” many forms Character types Situations symbols colors

9 C ARL J UNG  Swiss psychiatrist  Began work with Freud  Both based on research on dream analysis

10 C ARL J UNG  believed that these archetypes existed in the collective unconscious  based on the fact that there are images, character types, settings and story patterns that existed across cultures  not directly knowable  a product of the shared experiences of our ancestors

11 J UNGIAN C RITICISM : Jung theorized that all humans carry archetypes (universal images and patterns) in our individual and collective unconscious

12 P RIMORDIAL AND U NIVERSAL  Jung believed that the collective unconscious and its contents are primordial. That is, we, as individuals, have these archetypal images ingrained in our understanding before we are born.  Jung also believed that these archetypes are universal, which is why they can be found all over the world and throughout history.

13 A RCHETYPAL C RITICISM  Archetypal criticism therefore seeks to identify and analyze the presence and variance of recognizable archetypes in works of literature.  These archetypes are said to be identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature, as well as myths, dreams and even ritualized modes of social behavior.

14 J UNGIAN Q UEST : Assumes that the monomyth of the Quest underlies archetypal images Hero forced to leave comfortable surroundings and venture in an unfamiliar, new world filled with new challenges Meet wise old man who helps out with guidance and advice Barrier tests the fledgling hero (tends to separate familiar world from unfamiliar)

15 J UNGIAN Q UEST ( CONT ’ D ):  Adventures along the way – tests to prove the hero is worthy, training to prepare for final showdown  Ultimate showdown with father figure  Hero returns, ready to take his place as an adult, responsible member of society, often symbolized by marriage  Father (or mother) figure overthrown; hero takes the place of parent

16 J UNGIAN C RITICISM : Home Call (At first, the call is often refused) Guide Crossing Adventure Initiation Return Familiar world Land of adventure Threshold Bestow wisdom

17 Familiar World (Being a Teenager) Unfamiliar World of Adventure (Adult Responsibilities, Pregnancy) Bestow Wisdom: Juno concludes with the protagonist again traveling through the neighborhood, but this time happy and confident, able to express her love for Paulie. Challenges: Juno faces many difficulties as she adjusts to the physical and social changes in her life. Guide: The Convenience Store Clerk forces her to confront that her “Eggo is Preggo.” The Call: A Pregnancy Test Refusal of the Call: Juno considers abortion Accepting the Call: Juno decides to have the baby Home: Juno is a high school student who feels conflicted about her feelings for Paulie Bleeker. Familiar World (Being a Teenager) Unfamiliar World of Adventure (Adult Responsibilities, Pregnancy) ) Challenges: Juno continues to struggle with her ability to love and trust Paulie Bleeker. Confronting the “Villain”: Typically, the villain is notable for being similar to or completely different than the hero. Juno, a child thrust into the adult world, is betrayed by and learns to “overcome” Mark Loring, an adult who refuses to behave like one. Return: Juno decides to give the baby to Vanessa Loring, and delivers the child. Initiation: Juno’s step mother sides with her and defends her from the ultrasound tech. Juno’s father has a genuine conversation with her where she is treated by an equal. The Hero’s Journey in Juno:

18 A RCHETYPAL C RITICAL Q UESTIONS 1. What images, symbols, figures, are present that are present in other literary works? 2. What myths, dreams and even ritualized modes of social behavior are present?

19 A RCHETYPAL M YTHOLOGICAL  Emphasizes common themes, characters, symbols  Variety of cultures  Repeated experience  Collective human race  Significance of symbols and religious allusions

20 P RACTICE  In your table (pair) groups:  Complete an analysis of one of the following (your choice):  Any fairy tale or Disney movie  Star Wars  The Hunger Games  Harry Potter  Any other story on teacher approval.  Respond to the following:  List the main characters and what archetypal characters they correspond to from our list (above).  List the symbols, colors, or situations that are prominent in the story.  Map out (in detail; be thorough!!!) the Jungian Quest undertaken by the hero of the story.

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