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Close Reading ELA Family Night Thursday, November 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Close Reading ELA Family Night Thursday, November 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Close Reading ELA Family Night Thursday, November 13

2 What is close reading? careful and purposeful reading (and rereading) used to uncover layers of meaning that lead to deep comprehension. It enables a transaction between the reader and the text, and a deeper understanding of what the author is saying.

3 close reading in primary grades Teacher lead

4 Close reading in third grade Capturing the GIST Unfamiliar words SIWBS Lesson

5 GIST central or main idea

6 Unfamiliar words Identify Predict Confirm EVIDENCE!!!!!!

7 Lesson Before and after reading


9 Close reading in fourth grade Moving towards increased independence Keeping track of multiple texts Making connections between several texts/pictures/videos Inferencing


11 Text/Video Title and Author(s) SummaryThemes/ Main IdeasSupporting Details


13 Close reading in fifth grade Students are expected to be independent on close reading skills Practice = End result is an extensive response with several details relating to the text OR manipulating the text to support their own thoughts and a creative project such as a reader’s theater. Not just writing anymore!


15 Main idea:Important words: All human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms.

16 End of unit 1 writing task Part 2: Essay: What specific human rights challenges did Isau and his family face? How did they respond to those challenges? Use specific details from both the article “From Kosovo to the United States” and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in your answer. In your essay be sure to: Name and describe specific examples of human rights challenges that Isau and his family faced. Connect those challenges to specific article(s) of the UDHR. Use evidence from the article to explain how Isau and his family responded to the human rights challenges they experienced. Use complete sentences.

17 What can you do to help? Encourage your child to read, read, read! Ask them questions about what they are reading. Not just the what but the how and why. Expose them to different genres of reading – not always a chapter book! Magazines, news articles, etc. Encourage proper writing conventions. This will help them focus on their writing tasks if automatic.

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