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2.3: Point of View 1 st Person : Story is told by one of the characters in the story. 3rd Person/Objective: Narrator is something outside of the story.

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Presentation on theme: "2.3: Point of View 1 st Person : Story is told by one of the characters in the story. 3rd Person/Objective: Narrator is something outside of the story."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.3: Point of View 1 st Person : Story is told by one of the characters in the story. 3rd Person/Objective: Narrator is something outside of the story. Can not see/read thoughts or have previous knowledge about past/future. Like a movie camera, can only see and hear what is said and done. 3 rd Person Omniscient: Story is told by an “ outsider ” but they have the ability to see characters ’ thoughts, feelings, emotions. Can have knowledge about past, present, and future.

2 Less common POV 1 st person omniscient: a character within the story is telling the story, and the character has omniscient information. Lovely Bones. 3 rd Person Limited: (Less common) Story is told by an “ outsider ” but they have insight into one character’s thoughts, history, even knowledge about the future (Little did they know that just around the corner…). This is typically used when each chapter seems to focus on one particular character.

3 2.3 Point of View Work with a partner to complete the point of view examples on pages 91. Write your answers in your spiral. Identify the which point of view is being modeled and define (describe) the important characteristics of that point of view. Refer back to your definitions. On page 92, work with a partner to transform each excerpt into the other two points of view. Write your transformed examples in your spiral. After transforming each passage, take turns reading your re-writes to each other. Provide feedback to each other. What parts of the response make it the correct point of view? Complete the “Check Your Understanding” on page 93. Write your answers in your spiral. On your own: Finish the “Writing a Short Story” prompt on page 93 in your spiral, including a plot diagram of your story. Due tomorrow!

4 Listen closely as the story is read “Emperor’s New Clothes” Use the “diffusing” strategy while reading: read a passage, note unfamiliar words, and then use context clues, or other resources to discover meaning for the unfamiliar words.

5 P.O.V. Activity What point of view was “The Emperor’s New Clothes?” What information were we given because of the point of view?

6 P.O.V. change up activity In your groups, you will be assigned a point of view. Each group will then “rewrite” the story, making sure to only provide information allowed by the point of view.

7 POV Group Assignments 1234567 1 st person: Emperor 1 st person: Tailors 1 st person: ministers 3 rd : dramatic 1 st person: Emperor 1 st person Tailors 3 rd Dramatic

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