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Using Context Clues Per 3, 5: 9/23/13 Per 2, 4, 6: 9/24/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Context Clues Per 3, 5: 9/23/13 Per 2, 4, 6: 9/24/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Context Clues Per 3, 5: 9/23/13 Per 2, 4, 6: 9/24/13

2 Goal/Objective: You will be able to understand the different types of context clues to help you decode unknown vocabulary I will be able to: ___________________ You will be able to apply your understanding of context clues to assist you with decoding unfamiliar vocabulary. I will be able to: ____________________ You will be able to increase your comprehension of a given text with the use of context clues.

3 Context Clues Authors sometimes give clues called context clues.
Context clues are hints that help readers discover the meaning of unfamiliar words. It will also be beneficial with verbal communication.

4 Four Types of Context Clues
In order to be good “word detectives,” we need to know what types of clues to look for. There are four common types of context clues…

5 Definition: Word is defined in the sentence. Key clues: means, commas, is known as, refers to Example: “The arbitrator, the neutral person chosen to settle the dispute, arrived at her decision.”

6 arbitrator= the neutral person chosen to settle the dispute

7 Synonym (or restatement)
Other words are used in the sentence with similar meanings. Key Clues: and, or, in other words, that is Example: “The thief was elusive and avoided capture for many years.”

8 elusive= difficult to find or catch.

9 Antonym (or contrast) Key Clues: but, however, although, whereas, yet, on the other hand, while, unlike Examples: “Unlike Jamaal’s room, which was immaculate, Jeffrey’s room was very messy.” “Melissa is quite lithe, whereas her sister is clumsy and awkward.”

10 immaculate= perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
lithe- thin, supple, graceful

11 Example An example of the word is placed within the surrounding text.
Key Clues: for example, for instance, such as, including, like, namely Example: Eleanor donated to many philanthropic causes. Homeless shelters and foundations that assist orphans were namely among the recipients of her charity.

12 philanthropic= seeking to help others, especially by donating money and time to a good cause.

13 Big Note: Although these are four common types of clues to help you, sometimes the comprehension of the passage or context in which the word or phrase is necessary to decode the closest meaning of the word or phrase.

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