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LederLOS Guide The guide – LOS in Norwegian – is still of crucial importance along the Norwegian coastline, just as he has been through the centuries.

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Presentation on theme: "LederLOS Guide The guide – LOS in Norwegian – is still of crucial importance along the Norwegian coastline, just as he has been through the centuries."— Presentation transcript:

1 LederLOS Guide The guide – LOS in Norwegian – is still of crucial importance along the Norwegian coastline, just as he has been through the centuries. He was called leidsogumadr in ancient Norwegian, the one that can tell about the shipping lane. In old English he was called lodesmann, the one that can show the way. The guide comes on board for a limited period to guide in unfamiliar, sometimes difficult fairways. He is in the same boat with the crew, close to their everyday life and reality, with their real problems in front of them.

2 LederLOS LederLOS is a leadership guide, a pedagogical guide in unfamiliar fairways for many leaders – with the real problems from the leader’s everyday life in front of them. It is not enough to administer continuance. Standstill is the same as decline. The leader’s main responsibility is to focus on the future – solid founded in the ideas and values the business is based on. A leader said that if you don’t change your operations 10 % yearly, a revolution will come after 10 years. You must take strategic choices in your business the whole time, continually renew it – sometimes transform it totally to meet new challenges. At the same time you need to develop the way you work together. Leadership Guide LederLOS Lead Organize Steer BasisFocus Transform Renew

3 LederLOS LederLOS – What do we do? Leadership Coaching Leadership development Mentoring Strategy Values Organization Vision Steering Assessment Organizing Board Creativity Team Quality Projects Concepts Leading team Service Here follow some examples...

4 LederLOS Vision Situation DecisionAction The coach can help you go from where you are to your destination – clarify your possibilities, solve problems and reach your goals: oClarify your vision, wishes and goals oAnalyze your situation oSupport and challenge your decision and action. Coaching

5 LederLOS Mentor is a key person in leadership development. The common goal is to help you as a leader to focus: oFoFollow the vision and values you burn for. oDoDo what you are best at - and get affirmation for. o-o- Based on your unique personality and temperament. Mentoring ! Burn for … Best at … Based on … Affirmed by …

6 LederLOS Goal Plan Priority Life How can you lead and live – take on leadership responsibility and at the same time live a life of full value? We may call it time management, selv management, personal life quality … Self management

7 LederLOS Task Vision Goal Idea development & implementation Group process Group Individual roles and contributions Person Often it is suitable with a professional meeting, some times a well working group. When vi shall create something together, are interdependent and aim at synergy, we need a real team: Common vision – committed cooperation – complementary competence and contribution – and process skills. Team

8 LederLOS Define problemFind solution OpenCloseOpenClose What is creativity?  New and necessary.  Break to build.  Dear to choose new ways.  Use both brain halves. It is surprisingly systematic:  Define problem before problem solving.  Open up before we close. Creativity

9 LederLOS A concept is an overall development of an idea, product or project: Why do we start this at all? Who are our target group? What are their needs? How do we organize it? What focus do we have – how do we express what is unique? What?Who? How?What? Why? Concept

10 LederLOS A solid company has additional steering means to goals and rules. The basic ideas and the vision see to it that the heart comes along as well. The ideas is the foundation. The vision gives the focus and direction – the basis for goals and strategy, action plan and budget. Goal - Strategy Action plan Situation analysis Idea basis Vision Vision & Values

11 LederLOS Look out Past Look in Future Present Strategy means a choice of direction – in a crossroad between past and future. We analyze what is about to happen out there, too – and take a view inside at our own strengths and weaknesses. Any business must choose direction – and shut out others. Strategy

12 LederLOS Connect? Frode Randgaard Phone: + 47 66 79 54 78 Mobile: + 47 901 39 439 Bleikeraasen 158, N-1387 Asker, Norway

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