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Indoor Navigation Aid Brian J. Stankiewicz, Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin.

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1 Indoor Navigation Aid Brian J. Stankiewicz, Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin

2 GPS and outdoor navigation  GPS signals are useful for outdoor navigation  Able to localize user with precision  Combined with map, can guide to goal  But cannot be used indoors

3 Need for indoor navigation aid  Indoor navigation is difficult in unfamiliar complex buildings. E.g., hospitals, hotels, etc.E.g., hospitals, hotels, etc.  Indoor navigation is difficult with visual disabilities. E.g., macular degeneration, glaucoma, etc.E.g., macular degeneration, glaucoma, etc.

4 Other available systems  Require hardware installation (e.g., infrared beacons) throughout building  Significant cost and maintenance involved  Provide information on current location, but do not provide navigational assistance to destination

5 UT Navigational Aid: NavAid  Does not require installation of any hardware in building  Navigation enabled by directional vectors (generated from digital map of building floor plan) stored in NavAid device  Provides navigational instructions to destination  Order-of-magnitude lower maintenance and cost than competitive systems, with increased functionality (navigation instructions)

6 NavAid components Laser rangefinder Handheld computer Algorithm P(s|o,a,b)

7 NavAid  NavAid uses Bayesian statistics to localize and guide user to goal state. Measurements using laser rangefinder are used to localize user.Measurements using laser rangefinder are used to localize user. Information from localization is used to determine what action the user should make.Information from localization is used to determine what action the user should make. Computer generates instructions that guide the user to the goal state.Computer generates instructions that guide the user to the goal state.

8 NavAid evaluation  NavAid has been evaluated in both virtual and real environments. NavAid system enhances performance for people with reduced vision.NavAid system enhances performance for people with reduced vision. NavAid system enhances performance for people with normal vision.NavAid system enhances performance for people with normal vision. NavAid prototype enhances performance in real indoor environments.NavAid prototype enhances performance in real indoor environments. Stankiewicz, Cassandra, McCabe & Weathers (in press) IEEE:SMC Stankiewicz (in preparation)

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