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ORC Rating Systems ORC International ORC Club. Why do we need rating system? To allow boats of different sizes and characteristics to race each other.

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Presentation on theme: "ORC Rating Systems ORC International ORC Club. Why do we need rating system? To allow boats of different sizes and characteristics to race each other."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORC Rating Systems ORC International ORC Club

2 Why do we need rating system? To allow boats of different sizes and characteristics to race each other with an equal chance to win.

3 What is an ideal rating system? fair to all boats, from cruisers to racers, with no strong typeforms in design open, transparent and freely available have rules that are objective, non-biased and open to input have ratings that are simple, but accurate have flexible scoring options for use with different course types easy to use and understand locally managed but available world wide

4 ORC uses science Measurement of the hull with appendages, propeller, stability, rig and sails Complete set of measurement is input to the VPP – Velocity Prediction Program VPP is giving theoretical boat speeds in various wind conditions, complete set of polar diagrams for 7 different rue wind sppeeds (6-8-10-12-14-16-20 kn) for all complete wind angles including VMG beat and run VPP is updated yearly by the International Technical Committee (ITC) composed of well known yacht designers and naval architecture experts More than 72.000 certificate dana issued worldwide in last 20 years for boats ranging from 18 to 130 feet including standard procuction boats, custom boats and prototypes, one design offshore classes, classic or vintage boats

5 IMS Measurement IMS Rule Rating ORC-Int/Club certificates ORC Rating Systems ORC Rating Rules Hull and propeller AERODYNAMIC MODEL (Drive) HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL (Drag) VPP (Velocity Prediction Program) Stability and freeboards Rig and sails

6 ORC is not type-forming The ORC rating systems does not compare the characteristics of one boat to another It measures how a racing crew can reach their boat’s theoretical performance potential. The closer the crew is to those speeds, the better results they will get. Results of the ORC World and European Championships in last few years have shown that a diversity of boat types, sizes and characteristics were among top 10 in the final results, with very small differences in corrected times including several ties in corrected times

7 ORC World Championship 2013 – Class A

8 ORC World Championship 2013 – Class B

9 Easter regatta 2014

10 ORC is transparent No secret factors, everything is calculated and documented Complete descriptions of the VPP other formulations available ORC VPP software is available for purchase for any yacht designer, boat owner or sailor interested in detailed use of the system. ORC Sailors Services free copies of any ORC certificate issued in the last 4 years. for a small fee, test certificates can be issued on any measured boat in the system. rating optimizations can be performed by making changes in the measurement test file to the rig, sails or crew weight and running a test certificate to explore their effects on rating. use of the ORC Speed Guide gives an even more accurate look at the performance of the boat

11 ORC is objective ORC Rating Systems are based on science and complete boat measurement There is no guessing or subjective elements VPP is updated yearly to follow trends in yacht design and cover any possible loophole Sailors can have input for rule changes through their ORC Nominating Body, which is the national offshore class association or other entity recognized by the national sailing federation Based on the number of certificates issued during the year, countries are eligible to seats in the Congress, the main body accepting submissions based on recommendations by appropriate committees.

12 ORC International is accurate ORC Club is simple Two types of certificates: ORC International and ORC Club are fully compatible both using same ORC VPP and the same method of calculations For ORC International boat has to be completely measured under IMS ORC Club certificate may be issued with less than complete IMS measurements, in cases where measurement data may be: Measured in accordance with the IMS Declared by the owner. Any declared data may be taken or corrected by the Rating Authority if there is reasonable doubt about any declared data. Obtained from any other source, including photos, drawings, designs, data from identical or similar boats.

13 ORC International is accurate ORC Club is simple ORC International is a complete measurement rule and it is applied in all countries at the same level ORC Club is administered locally where each country may decide the level of measurement needed ORC International is intended for use on World, Continental, Regional and National level as well as major international offshore races ORC Club is as its name implies designed for Club-level racing that can go up to national championship level. Both systems having the same rating and scoring options and can be scored together in any races Of course, due to better quality of measurement data, ORC International certificates will be more accurate and give more favorable ratings.

14 ORC International certificate Page 1Page 2 Page 3

15 ORC Club certificate

16 ORC is flexible One of main advantages of the ORC Rating Systems is the variety of scoring options Scoring options offered include the most sophisticated, where the boat's performance is taken in consideration depending on the wind conditions, or simple scoring options using single number scoring coefficients in either Time on Time Time on Distance Performance line as a combination of Time on Time and Time on Distance Triple number with three different Time on Time coefficients to be used in light, medium and heavy breezes. All simple scoring options are also given for either Inshore (windward-leeward) or Offshore races. The factors race managers should consider when choosing which scoring type to use include: type and level of the fleet, the difference between fastest and slowest boat, prevailing weather condition, tradition of particular scoring type, is there current in the area

17 Simple scoring options Time on Distance Corrected time = Elapsed time – (ToD * course length) Time on Time Corrected time = ToT * Elapsed time Performance line Corrected time = PLT * Elapsed time – PLD * Course length Triple number Corrected time = ToT (low, medium, high) * Elapsed time Low Range (less or equal 9 knots) Medium Range (between 9 & 14 knots) High Range (greater or equal 14 knots)

18 Performance Curve Scoring The most powerful engine of the ORC International (ORCi) rating system. Unique feature which makes this rule fundamentally different from any other handicap system, as it recognizes that yachts of varied design perform differently when conditions change. Yachts of different designs will have different time allowances in each race depending on the weather conditions and the course configuration for that particular race. For example, heavy under-canvassed boats are slow in light airs but fast in strong winds, boats with deep keels go well to windward, and light boats with small keels will go fast downwind. Input values for Performance Curve Scoring are for each leg: Length Compass bearing Wind direction Complete explanation is available at

19 ORC is easy to use Both ORC International and ORC Club certificates contain a scaled boat drawing with all rig and sails measurements, which makes it easy to review. Data of all certificates issued worldwide are available on the ORC Database website in the form of RMS files used by different scoring software. Altura scoring software is available free on this website, as well as RMS files updated automatically It’s easy to get an ORC Club certificate: On-line ORC Club On-line application form.On-line ORC Club On-line application form

20 ORC is thinking locally and acting globally National Rating Offices have several functions, including supervising the measurement and rating of yachts, supporting ORC racing by administering to their national fleets, and issuing ORC certificates. For countries where a National Rating Office is not yet established, the central ORC Rating office can give support by issuing certificates. ORC certificates are valid throughout the world regardless of where they are issued.

21 ORC Sailor Service

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