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1 SPORTS ACTIVITIES IN SPANISH PRISONS. 2 RE-EDUCATION AND SOCIAL RE-INSERTION The Spanish Constitution (ART. 25.2) establishes that the main aim of prison.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SPORTS ACTIVITIES IN SPANISH PRISONS. 2 RE-EDUCATION AND SOCIAL RE-INSERTION The Spanish Constitution (ART. 25.2) establishes that the main aim of prison."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 RE-EDUCATION AND SOCIAL RE-INSERTION The Spanish Constitution (ART. 25.2) establishes that the main aim of prison sentences is re-education and social reintegration. If you want something to change, take the first step.

3 3 INDIVIDUALIZED TREATMENT PROGRAMMES ASSIGNMENT OF ACTIVITIES -Priorities: - Education - Vocational training - Specific programmes -Complementary -Sports -Occupational -Cultural ANALYSIS OF INMATES CHARACTERISTICS: -Family situation -Psychological profile -Educational level -Labour skills -Interests and motivations


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6 6 MAIN FEATURES OF PRISON POPULATION -DEPRESSED ENVIRONMENTS. -Active DRUG ADICTION Pathologies. -POORLY STRUCTURED Family Links. -Level of Education: -Illiterate: 7,3% -Basic Education: 57,3% -High School: 31,8% -University: 3,6% -Prevalence of crimes related with PROPERTY AND DRUG TRAFFICKING

7 7 SPORTS PROGRAMMES IN PRISON PRINCIPLES : -Framed on INDIVIDUALIZED TREATMENT PROGRAMMES -Regular activities with STRICT schedules -MONITORED by professionals from the Sports Field -INDIVIDUALIZED according to the specific characteristics of the participant -WIDE SUPPLY in order to meet the demand -VOLUNTARY AND ACTIVE Participation

8 8 - Providing inmates with HABITS and SKILLS that improve their quality of life. - Counteracting prison SUBCULTURE. - Improving their SELF ESTEEM. - Connecting physical activity and HEALTH. - Actively occupying their FREE TIME. - Respecting and accepting the RULES of the game. - Acquiring SELF CONTROL skills. - Encouraging TEAM WORK. AIMS OF SPORTS PROGRAMMES

9 9 IMPLEMENTATION OF SPORTS PROGRAMMES 1.- SPORTS ACTIVITIES OF A RECREATIONAL NATURE -Improves attitudes, skills and behaviours -Helps achieving physical and mental well-being 2.- COMPETITION ACTIVITIES -Promotes the desire to improve and excel. -Promotes relations with non-criminal groups. 3.- SPORTS TRAINING AND MOTIVATION ACTIVITIES -Disseminating information on physical education and sports - Improving technical, tactical and strategical knowledge about an specific sport - Promoting vocational training

10 10 RESOURCES USED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS PROGRAMMES 1.- EQUIPMENT - Funding for sports, education and cultural equipment: 481.360 € - Infraestructures

11 11 - 61 Sports Trainers. Staff from the Administration. - 22 Coaches from the Real Federación Española de Fútbol - 22 Coaches from the Fundación Real Madrid - 4 Coaches from the Fundación Atlético de Madrid - 7 Coaches from the Federación Española de Baloncesto RESOURCES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS PROGRAMMES 2.- HUMAN

12 12 PARTICIPATION OF INMATES IN SPORTS PROGRAMMES Rate of inmates who play sports regularly: MEN: 49% WOMEN: 52,7% Most requested sports activities: MENWOMEN

13 13 COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS 1.- REAL FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE FÚTBOL PROGRAMME: Collaboration and self- management through Soccer AIM: Promoting training and responsibility in programme participants. CENTERS: Implemented in 22 prisons ACTIONS: -Soccer Schools in 22 prisons. -Intercenters Championship. -Training Courses for Referees and Trainers -Supply of sports equipment -Institutional visits from soccer players of the National Team -Tickets for games of the National Team INMATES INVOLVED: 10.788

14 14 COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS 2.- FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE BALONCESTO PROGRAMME: Basketball Without Limits. AIM: Promote healthy habits and labour insertion. CENTERS: Implemented in 7 prisons ACTIONS: -Basketball Schools for women prisoners in 7 prisons. -Basketball Referee Courses. -Courses for inmates in 3rd grade of treatment. INMATES INVOLVED: 1.080

15 15 COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS 3.- FUNDACIÓN REAL MADRID PROGRAMME: For a REAL Education: “VALUES AND SPORT” AIM: Promoting values inherent to Sport and promoting Sport as an education tool. CENTERS: Implemented in 22 prisons ACTIONS: -Soccer and Basketball Schools in 22 prisons. -Interprisons Championship. -Training Courses for Referees and Trainers -Supply of sports equipment -Visits from the Real Madrid soccer players INMATES INVOLVED: 1.100

16 16 COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS 4.- FUNDACIÓN ATLÉTICO DE MADRID PROGRAMME: Soccer Schools in prisons AIM: Promoting sports as a tool for the integral development of inmates. CENTERS: Implemented in 4 prisons ACTIONS: -Soccer Schools in 4 prisons. -Supply of sports equipment INMATES INVOLVED: 100

17 17 SPECIFIC SPORTS PROGRAMMES 1.- METAGYM PROGRAMME: Sports intervention with inmates from the Methadone Support Programme. AIM: Replacing Methadone for physical and sports activity. CENTERS: Implemented in the Madrid V Prison. EFECTS: -Generating endogenous opiates: dopamines - endorphins. -Reducing dependence on Methadone. -Reducing recidivism in the use of drugs. INMATES INVOLVED: 25

18 18 SPECIFIC SPORTS PROGRAMMES 2.- SPORTS ACTIVITIES WITH THE MENTALLY ILL AIM: Improving, through physical exercise, the quality of life of inmates, working for their personal autonomy and their balance. CENTERS: Implemented in the Madrid III Prison. EFECTS: -Acquiring healthy habits. -Decreasing their medication. -Improving their physical condition. INMATES INVOLVED: 25

19 19 SPECIFIC SPORTS PROGRAMMES 3.- CHESS FOR INTEGRATION AIM: Development of strategic thinking, as a tool for dealing with everyday situations. CENTERS: Implemented in Badajoz Prison and Cáceres Prison. EFECTS: -Development of the capacity for reasoning and analysis. -Improving concentration and deductive thinking. -Improving emotional control and possitive attitudes, such as patience and calm. -Development of imagination and creativity. INMATES INVOLVED: 60

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