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Monday February 24, 2014. Recap Weeks 1-3  Clinic & Preview Shows Bridgewater Plans for 2015 Clinics  Snowed out Weekend of 2/15 - Edison & Plainfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday February 24, 2014. Recap Weeks 1-3  Clinic & Preview Shows Bridgewater Plans for 2015 Clinics  Snowed out Weekend of 2/15 - Edison & Plainfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday February 24, 2014

2 Recap Weeks 1-3  Clinic & Preview Shows Bridgewater Plans for 2015 Clinics  Snowed out Weekend of 2/15 - Edison & Plainfield  Official Week #3 Start Bloomfield & New Milford

3 Remaining Schedule  March 1 Woodbridge HS Marching Band Workshop 10 am-3 pm  March 8 Old Bridge HS & Bunnell HS #1  March 15 Brick Memorial HS & Westhill HS  March 22 Hunterton Central HS & Bunnell HS #2  March 29 Fair Lawn HS & (NEW! Percussion only event) Cranston East HS, RI

4 General Notes  Etiquette Be on time Appearance ○ ○ CC Overall attitude, language & mood!  Timing (of the show) We do not want to run early Groups cannot fold the floor on the floor x1 million “Gate Time” vs “Ready Time”  Tabulation Verify always with judges before they leave the gym. ○ Confirm this with chief judges ○ Get files to the units ASAP

5 Championships  Order of the Day 10:30 / 11 am estimated start time  AC locations – See map on next page Each AC will be responsible for an area Half #1Half #2 CoordinatorMatt ChamberlinJohn Yurkin AC #1Dave MardenLarry Eckert AC #2Tom CaseHarold Levin AC #3Jeff MiedowskiAndres Marquez Tabulator #1Allison Chamberlin Grete Terjsen Tabulator #2Ernie MuskaJean Sowinski

6 Championships Map Equip. Floor Folding Perc A Perc B Pine Belt Arena Performance Area Body Warmup

7 Fall – Looking forward  9/20 South Carolina Preview (site TBA)  9/27 Northern Virginia Regional (Herndon, Va.) Marine Corps Invitational (Caldwell, Idaho) Texas Step-Off Series (Austin, Groesbeck, Houston, Odessa, Brownsville)  10/4 South Carolina Regional (site TBA) Texas Regionals (Burleson, Dekaney, Goliad, Hendrickson, New Braunfels)  10/11 The Marching Band Series (Texas) North Alabama Regional (Florence, Ala.) Texas Regionals (Houston, San Antonio)  10/18 The Marching Band Series (Tenn.) Marine Corps Invitational (Annapolis, Md.) New Jersey State Championship: 1A-5A (New Brunswick, N.J.) Eastern Pennsylvania Regional (Allentown, Pa.) Western Pennsylvania Regional (Indiana, Pa.) East Mississippi Regional (Scooba, Miss.) Arizona Regional (Peoria, Ariz.) 10/25 New Jersey State Championship: 6A & 1- 6 OPEN (New Brunswick, N.J.) New England States Championship (New Britain, Conn.) Pennsylvania State Championship (West Chester, Pa.) Maryland State Championship (Towson, Md.) Virginia State Championship (site TBA) Texas Regionals (Houston) 10/26 New York State Championship (site TBA) 11/1 The Marching Band Series (Northeast, TBA) Yamaha Cup (East Rutherford, N.J.) Southern States Championship (Chattanooga, Tenn.) Las Vegas Regional (Las Vegas, Nev.) Texas Remo Finale Series (Dallas, Austin, Houston) 11/8-9 Class A National Championships - J. Birney Crum Stadium - Allentown, PA Texas Yamaha Cup (San Antonio) 11/15 Open National Championships - MetLife Stadium - E. Rutherford, N.J.

8 Thank You! Next Session: Monday, March 17, 2014 @ 8 PM Final Preparations for Indoor & Championships Shift in focus to the fall season Availability – Recruiting Training - On & off site Document Refresh Project - Update those who have not been involved Weekend Training Sessions - Summer Dates & Locations – open to suggestions!

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