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M Nauta altus** (nauta, nautae, M – sailor) Singular Nominative: Nauta Altus Genitive: Nautae Alti Dative: Nautae Alto Accusative: Nautam Altum Ablative:

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Presentation on theme: "M Nauta altus** (nauta, nautae, M – sailor) Singular Nominative: Nauta Altus Genitive: Nautae Alti Dative: Nautae Alto Accusative: Nautam Altum Ablative:"— Presentation transcript:

1 M Nauta altus** (nauta, nautae, M – sailor) Singular Nominative: Nauta Altus Genitive: Nautae Alti Dative: Nautae Alto Accusative: Nautam Altum Ablative: Nauta Alto Plural Nautae Alti Nautarum Altorum Nautis Altis Nautas Altos Nautis Altis

2 Mater strenua Singular Nominative: Mater Strenua Genitive: Matris Strenuae Dative: Matri Strenuae Accusative: Matrem Strenuam Ablative: Matre Strenua Plural Matres Strenuae Matrum Strenuarum Matribus Strenuis Matres Strenuas Matribus Strenuis

3 Pater Laetus Singular Nominative: PaterLaetus Genitive: Patris Laeti Dative: Patri Laeto Accusative: Patrem Laetum Ablative: Patre Laeto Plural Patres Laeti Patrum Laetorum Patribus Laetis Patres Laetos Patribus Laetis

4 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 1. The energetic mother teaches the good slavewoman to cook. Strenua mater = energetic mother Docet = teaches Bonam ancillam = good slavewoman Coquere = to cook Mater strenua ancillam bonam coquere docet (sentence in authentic Latin order)

5 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 2. The worried father wants to scold the annoying boy. Worried father = solicitus pater Wants = vult To scold = reprehendere Annoying boy = molestum puerum Pater solicitus puerum molestum reprehendere vult.

6 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 3. The lazy slavewoman does not like to clean the house. Lazy slavewoman = ignava ancilla Does not like = non amat To clean = purgare House = villam Ancilla ignava villam purgare non amat.

7 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 4. I like to cook good food. I like = amo To cook = coquere Good food = bonum cibum Bonum cibum coquere amo.

8 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 5. We carry food from the large garden into the large house. We carry = portamus Food = cibum From the large garden = e magno horto Into the large house = in magnam villam Cibum e horto magno in villam magnam portamus.

9 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 6. The mother and father scold the boys and girls because they annoy the good slavewomen and energetic slaves. The mother and father scold = mater et pater reprehendunt The boys and girls = pueros et puellas Because they annoy = quod vexant The good slavewomen = bonas ancillas And energetic slaves = et strenuos servos Mater et pater pueros et puellas reprehendunt quod ancillas bonas et servos strenuos vexant.

10 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 7. The energetic boys love to climb the tall trees and to annoy the worried girls. The energetic boys = strenui pueri Love = amant To climb the tall trees = ascendere altas arbores And to annoy the worried girls = et vexare solicitas puellas Pueri strenui altas arbores ascendere et solicitas puellas vexare amant.

11 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 8. It is necessary to scold a lazy slavewoman when she does not want to work in the house or in the garden. It is necessary = necesse est To scold = reprehendere A lazy slave woman = ignavam ancillam When she does not want = ubi non vult To work = laborare In the house = in villa Or in the garden = aut in horto. Necesse est ignavam ancillam reprehendere ubi in villa aut in horto laborare not vult.

12 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 9. The good mother teaches the small girls to cook in the kitchen. The good mother = bona mater Teaches = docet The small girls = parvas puellas To cook = coquere In the kitchen = in culina Mater bona puellas parvas coquere in culina docet.

13 Translate these sentences into Latin. Be careful about cases! 10. The good father teaches the large boys to read the book and to write on the tablet. The good father = bonus pater Teaches = docet The large boys = magnos pueros To read the book = legere librum And to write = et scribere On the tablet = in tabula Pater bonus pueros magnos librum legere et in tabula scribere docet.

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