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“Highly Annoyed: One mark multiple meanings” Eveline Maris Leiden University The Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "“Highly Annoyed: One mark multiple meanings” Eveline Maris Leiden University The Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Highly Annoyed: One mark multiple meanings” Eveline Maris Leiden University The Netherlands

2 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria2 Research problem -Problem of noise omnipresent -Abatement strategies address dB’s

3 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria3 Annoyance Question In how far does the sound annoy you? 1=not at all (…) 7=extremely

4 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria4 Prevalence of consequential degree of annoyance at various average levels of transportation sound exposure (Ldn) as observed at 453 sites (Source: Fidell, 1992). Day-Night Average Sound Level, dB Proportion of respondents Highly Annoyed by noise

5 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria5 Research problem -Problem of noise omnipresent -Abatement strategies address dB’s -Annoyance is correlated with nonacoustic factors -Is abatement via nonacoustics possible? Q: Are (social) nonacoustic factors a contributory cause of noise annoyance?

6 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria6 Social nonacoustic factors Man-made sound: “You expose Me” Social Context: = Relational aspects of exposure situation –An aspect of social context is Procedure –A quality/characteristic of procedure is Fairness Theory of Social Justice (e.g. Tyler & Lind, 1992)

7 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria7 SOUND SOCIAL SETTING External processes Internal processes (physical & social) (psychological) The Model Disturbance Control Annoyance (stress) + -

8 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria8 Research Questions Do social nonacoustical factors have a causal relationship with noise annoyance? –> Unfair exposure procedures cause an increase in annoyance Does the influence of social nonacoustical factors depend on sound level? –> The fair procedure effect is moderated by sound level

9 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria9 Experiment (1) Prerequisites –The noise should cause annoyance –Disturbance of activity is important aspect of annoyance  all subjects same activity  activity that is likely disturbed by sound –Manipulation of fairness strong link between source and subject, and linked with sound itself

10 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria10 Experiment (2) 2 x 2 Design Fairness (Y / N) vs. Loudness (50 dB / 70 dB) Manipulation of fairness and sound 15 minutes exposure during reading task Dependents: Annoyance (after 1 minute, after 15 minutes) Disturbance Perceived Control Population: 76 students

11 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria11 Experiment (3) Flow of experiment –Cover story: noise & performance –Frame of reference for sound level –Fairness: being asked to express preference which was said to be taken into account where possible –Task: internal motivation to perform (exam), identical for all participants –Annoyance question after 1 minute of exposure and directly after end of reading task (15 minutes)

12 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria12 ANOVA effect of acoustical factor Main effect Fair (n.s.) Main effect Sound F(1,72)=9.42 p=.003 η²=.12 Sound*Fair (n.s.) (obs.power.17) With covariate: Sound*Fairness F(1,68)=5.9 p=.018 η²=.079

13 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria13 Conclusions The fairness of procedure can have a causal effect on annoyance with noise The influence of procedural fairness on noise annoyance depends on sound level Abatement policy makers should be aware of possible effects of procedural fairness

14 Thank you for your attention. For a written version of this presentation, please send e-mail to: Leiden University The Netherlands

15 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria15

16 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria16

17 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria17

18 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria18

19 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria19

20 Young Researchers Workshop, 18th. IAPS conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria20 Future experiments Within-subjects manipulation of social context / fairness Social relationship between subjects ‘History’ of social relationship –Several trials –Description of earlier situations/procedures Social identity: value similaritym, trust Change of eta² over time

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