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Mt.9:35-38 – a “few” workers 35-38 looks backward and forward Matthew concluded one section on His teaching, another on His miracles Now He confers authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Mt.9:35-38 – a “few” workers 35-38 looks backward and forward Matthew concluded one section on His teaching, another on His miracles Now He confers authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mt.9:35-38 – a “few” workers 35-38 looks backward and forward Matthew concluded one section on His teaching, another on His miracles Now He confers authority on disciples 35-38 Jesus’ work (Ch.5-9) BackwardForward Work of disc. (Ch.10)

2 I. Traveled To The People, 35

3 greater zeal in doing good Mt.9:32-35, His answer to slanders of Pharisees: greater zeal in doing good  Ac.4-5  35, went about = continuing process (Acts 13,18) Synagogues Every city Every village

4 II. Took The Gospel, 35 I. Traveled To The People, 35

5 Threefold ministry, Mt.9:35 Parallels Mt.4:23 kingdom Gospel of the kingdom Explained OT Proclaimed NT Healed every sick 1 Rule of God 2 Salvation of God 3 Church of God 4 At home with God

6 Healed every disease Power Power: nothing could resist it (Ro.1:16) Proof Proof: message is true Purpose Purpose: spiritual needs  Not social/recreational activities (not opposed to them (Lk.7; Jn.2)  Food, Jn.6:…26

7 I. Traveled To The People, 35 III. Touched By Sympathy, 36 II. Took The Gospel, 35

8 Compassion To have pity, feel sympathy: Mt.18:…27; Mk.1:41; Lk.10:33  Do we have it? Objects of compassion 1 Weary 2 Scattered 3 Sheep

9 1. Weary Harassed, ESV Orig.: to skin or flay, to rend or mangle; then to vex, trouble, annoy (Th. 580) Weary, harass (BDAG, 933) Tax-collectorsRoman soldiers Sin (Mt.10:6)Leaders (Mt.23:4)

10 2. Scattered Helpless, ESV Throw to the ground; prostrated by fatigue, hunger, etc. (Th. 563) Can’t help themselves or escape bullies Both words refer to sheep: MishandledLying helpless

11 3. Sheep w/o shepherd Defenseless Mk.12:40. Ezk.34 “They were not only exhausted but also abandoned, w/o resources, scattered and dispersed; only a pastor could gather them together and assure their survival” (Spicq 3.222)

12 I. Traveled To The People, 35 II. Took The Gospel, 35 IV. Taught Prayer For Harvest, 37f III. Touched By Sympathy, 36

13 From sheep to harvest, 37 Therefore pray…38 Wheat needs workers to bring it in Lord in one place at a time (Lk.19:10) Pray for workers… Disciples (9:37) Twelve disciples (10:1)

14 Why do many Christians neglect this work? Fear Ignorance of gospel Preacher’s job. Lk.10:2 Forget eternal consequences

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