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What Annoys You? Inconveniences? Imperfections? Insults? We can not stop them from existing, but we can stop them from annoying.

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Presentation on theme: "What Annoys You? Inconveniences? Imperfections? Insults? We can not stop them from existing, but we can stop them from annoying."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Annoys You? Inconveniences? Imperfections? Insults? We can not stop them from existing, but we can stop them from annoying

2 Why Do They? The more comfortable we become the easier it is to annoy us with little discomforts We have become far too comfortable 2 Tim. 2:3-4 endure and don’t be entangled Age of Instantitus (mircowave generation) Immediate relief from medicine Switch for light, warmth, entertainment

3 Limited Experience Have not been there or done that Deut. 6:10-12 (did not fight battles or see miracles) forgot God provided the blessings Heb. 11:35-39 We are too young to have faced trials We have been too pampered in parents home We are too selfish to consider others 1 Cor. 13:5 (Love is not easily provoked)

4 Our Former Luxuries Are Seen As Current Necessities Comforts are expected (disappointed) Ease is an entitlement (age, nation, union) We have developed recliner reasoning Luke 12:16-21 All thoughts were about himself Worried because I have a problem Comforted because I have a solution

5 Where Are We Spiritually? Lack Patience (comes by enduring trials) Rom. 5:3-5 Lk 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls. Lack Humility (Esther: Easy Annoyances) Vashti Vanquished: 1:12, 15-19 Haman Humiliated: 3:2, 5-6 Ahasuerus Arrogance: 4:11-14

6 Where Are We Spiritually? Lack Patience Lack Humility Lack Self Control (Jonah 4:6-11) Prov. 25:28 Prov. 19:11 Prov. 16:32 Ultimately we lack the character needed to serve God and enter heaven

7 When Will We Change? Phil. 2:14-16 Do all things without complaining To be children of God To be different from the worldly people To display the way of salvation to others One measure of character is how little or much it takes to annoy you.

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