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Sakaibrary in 2.4: User Feedback Guides Development Jon Dunn and Mark Notess Digital Library Program Indiana University.

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Presentation on theme: "Sakaibrary in 2.4: User Feedback Guides Development Jon Dunn and Mark Notess Digital Library Program Indiana University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sakaibrary in 2.4: User Feedback Guides Development Jon Dunn and Mark Notess Digital Library Program Indiana University

2 Sakaibrary Background Partnership of Indiana University (IU) and University of Michigan (UM) Libraries Supported by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and IU/UM Original grant: January 2006 – June 2007 Extended through June 2008 2Sakai Conference June 2007

3 Sakaibrary Project Goals Build tools to provide seamless integration of content from licensed library databases within Sakai for instructors Leverage existing library technology infrastructure Prototype functionality for librarians to present content in Sakai and students to discover licensed content within Sakai. Engage librarians, students, and faculty in the design and testing

4 Sakai Conference June 20074 Additional Sakaibrary Project Partners Libraries at: –Johns Hopkins University –Northwestern University –Stanford University –Yale University –University of California Berkeley

5 Sakaibrary Core Team Indiana University –Jon Dunn - project management –Steve Smail - development –Mark Notess – user interface/usability University of Michigan –Susan Hollar - project management –Gaurav Bhatnagar, Jim Eng, Bill Dueber - development –Deborah Bracken - administrative support, QA Sakai Conference June 20075

6 Milestones So Far March 2006: Usage scenarios May 2006: Requirements October 2006: First implementation November 2006: Usability testing Spring 2007: Pilot testing, development for release with Sakai 2.4 Sakai Conference June 20076

7 Citations Helper: In Brief New functionality in Sakai 2.4 Enables users to search and retrieve citations and make stable URLs to content with Sakai Uses library metasearch tools, Google Scholar, and/or manual adding of citations Embedded within the Resources tool 7Sakai Conference June 2007

8 Add Citations 8Sakai Conference June 2007

9 Basic Search 9Sakai Conference June 2007

10 Search Results 10Sakai Conference June 2007

11 Revise Citation List 11Sakai Conference June 2007

12 Google Scholar

13 Full text via OpenURL through SFX 13Sakai Conference June 2007

14 Pilot Usage Evaluation Spring 2007 Graduate library science course Used first version of Sakaibrary, running on Sakai 2.3, on a separate server Students had five assignments to –find a citation on a course topic –annotate the citation –post it in the course Resources Also, two assignments to comment on other students’ annotations 14Sakai Conference June 2007

15 analysis Evaluation Design mid-semester class visit/ discussion late semester web-based survey post-semester instructor interview issues & recommendations 15Sakai Conference June 2007





20 annotation with HTML markup

21 displays citation details Viewing the Citation List OpenURL leads to SFX resolver page

22 Findings Students and instructor saw value in Sakai/library integration –for their own use –for students’ future use as librarians Assignments were not a great fit with Sakaibrary version 1 –no advanced search –little support for collaborative use –kludgy annotation –no way to combine lists to keep for reference Sakai Conference June 200722

23 Other Issues Running pilot on a separate server –required extra windows and extra clicks –IE security issues kept some users out of pilot server General Sakai issues –tool statefulness continues to annoy –tab management isn’t salient enough 23Sakai Conference June 2007

24 Key Recommendations Support collaborative use –provide citation search & paste within the rich text editor (would resolve multiple issues) –support citations & citation lists as embeddable objects within Sakai Improve search –database selection [done in Sakai 2.4] –fielded search [done in Sakai 2.4] –date specification, relevance ranking, indication of (or link to) source database 24Sakai Conference June 2007

25 25 Project Next Steps Support pilots using Sakai 2.4 at IU, UM, and partner sites Help others get Citations Helper up and running Work on improved Citations Helper functionality for Sakai 2.5 in December 2007 –Sorting/reordering of results sets and citation lists –Importing from EndNote, RefWorks, etc. –Adding citations from within Rich Text Editor


27 Sakai Conference June 200727 Project Next Steps (continued) Explore other means of getting citations into Sakai –Search engines, browser plugins Create Research Guides prototype –Pages providing research support for a specific course or subject DLF Aquifer project Follow-on project?

28 Sakai Conference June 200728 Subject Research Guides Support faculty and librarian creation of: –Constrained searches –Canned searches –Links to specific electronic resources –Help guides –Links to contact librarians: chat, e-mail, course discussion forum –Other library sources

29 Sakai Conference June 200729 Questions As Yet Unanswered Who will use search within the CMS? Will metasearching ever be good enough? Will OpenURL link resolution work consistently enough for full text access? How will the Sakai development model work in libraries? –Will other institutions be able to step up to tackle other library integration issues?

30 Sakai Conference June 200730 More Information Project Web Site: –Contains a link to the project Wiki on Test Server: Contact us:

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