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Vocabulary Unit 2. available a vai la ble) Definition (adj) ready for use, at hand The room was available for studying.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 2

2 available a vai la ble) Definition (adj) ready for use, at hand The room was available for studying.

3 cater (ca ter) Definition – (v) to satisfy the needs of, try to make things easy, to supply food and service We will cater the food for the party.

4 customary (cus to mar y) Definition – (adj) usual, expected, routine It is customary to shake hands in our country.

5 dissuade (dis suade) Definition – (v) to persuade not to do something The bank president offered an increase in wages, but she could not dissuade her employee from quitting.

6 entrepreneur (en tre pre neur) Definition – (n) a person who starts up and takes on the risk of a business Can an entrepreneur launch a business with less than a $1,000 dollars?

7 firebrand (fire brand) Definition – (n) A piece of burning wood; a troublemaker; an extremely energetic or emotional person A rash young firebrand caused a riot in downtown Chicago.

8 hazard (haz ard) Definition – (n) risk, peril; (v) to expose to danger or harm, to gamble It is considered a hazard to your health when you have to work with dangerous and poisonous gases.

9 Hinder to delay; to stop or prevent from happening. The all day rain predicted for tomorrow will definitely hinder our plans for a picnic at the lake.

10 homicide (hom i cide) Definition – (n) the killing of one person by another The graph indicates that homicide rates are increasing.

11 indifference (in dif fer ence) Definition – (n) a lack of interest or concern The man’s littering showed his indifference towards our environment.

12 indignant (in dig nant) Definition - (adj) filled with resentment or anger over something unjust, unworthy or mean The man became indignant when he was not allowed in the theater.

13 indispensable (in di spen sa ble) Definition – (adj) absolutely necessary Water is indispensable.

14 lubricate (lu bri cate) Definition – (v) to apply oil or grease; to make smooth, slippery, or easier to use The man had to lubricate the parts.

15 mutual (mu tu al) Definition – (adj) shared, felt, or shown equally by two or more In our neighborhood we have developed a mutual respect for each other.

16 pelt Definition – (v) to throw a stream of things The guests of the wedding could not resist the urge to pelt the bride and groom with rice as they left the church.

17 plague Definition – (n) an easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths; a widespread evil (v) to annoy or bother Cicadas did plague many people in the summer of 2007.

18 poised Definition – (adj) balanced, suspended; calm, controlled; ready for action Waiting for the recital to begin, the ballerina stood poised.

19 regime (re gime) Definition – (n) a government in power; a form or system of rule or management; a period of rule In 2008 the United States will have a change of regime.

20 transparent (trans par ent) Definition – (adj) allowing light to pass through; easily seen through Most glass is transparent.

21 Unscathed (un scathed) Definition- (adj) wholly unharmed, not injured It was a miracle that the teens walked away from the accident unscathed.

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