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10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Meaning Given Homonym Word Given Vocabulary Can you Spell it? Dual Meaning And Homonym

2 A noun which means: exhaustion weariness low energy

3 What is fatigue?

4 An adjective which means: caustic, cynical, mocking, satirical or acerbic

5 What is sarcastic?

6 A noun which means: drive, desire, goal, aim, desire, goal or dream

7 What is ambition?

8 An adjective which means: disobedient, bold, rebellious or insubordinate

9 What is defiant?

10 An adjective which means: poor, penniless, needy, deprived, impoverished and insolvent

11 What is destitute?

12 When the “e” is in this word’s middle, it’s a piece of meat. Move it to the word’s end and you have tent peg.

13 What are steak and stake?

14 A noun which means: back of foot or shoe bread crust cheese rind offensive term

15 What is heel?

16 This noun can be a story or anecdote. It can also be Fido’s wagging appendage.

17 What are tale and tail?

18 A preposition meaning towards An adverb meaning also And it’s twice the size of one

19 What are to, too and two?

20 A word with many functions and uses, not the least of … It also refers to somebody with alleged magic power or used as an offensive term.

21 What are which and witch?

22 The word is stagnant

23 What are still, motionless, standing, sluggish, inactive or dormant?

24 The word is incense

25 What are anger, enrage, rile, infuriate, annoy or exasperate?

26 The word is tedious

27 What are dull, boring, dreary, monotonous, uninteresting or tiresome?

28 The word is flounder

29 What are splash, struggle, thrash, flap, falter, waver, dawdle or delay?

30 The word is whim

31 What are impulse, urge, quirk, notion, fad, craze or fancy?

32 A noun which can mean pale, stick or rod. As a verb, it means to support or to mark; fence an area

33 What is stake?

34 As a verb, it means to accomplish, make or act upon. As a noun, it’s the morning mist. As an adjective, it’s what’s owed.

35 What are do, dew and due?

36 This word can be a street or motorway. Or it was a ride you had yesterday. Or the paddling you did in the boat.

37 What are road, rode and rowed?

38 This word relates to a group of sheep, or was it something you once listened to?

39 What are herd and heard?

40 As a noun, this word can be a short section of a play or movie; a place where something happens, but as a verb, it can mean to be observed or noticed

41 What are scene and seen?

42 This verb means to make somebody anxious. It also means to stir, whisk, mix or shake up

43 What is a g i t a t e ?

44 An adjective meaning casual, relaxed, calm, indifferent, blasé or laid back

45 What is n o n c h a l a n t ?

46 This adjective means notorious, dishonorable, scandalous or shameful

47 What is i n f a m o u s?

48 An adjective meaning valid, accurate, genuine; not false or copied

49 What is a u t h e n t i c ?

50 A noun which means insight, perception, feeling or instinctive knowledge, belief

51 What is i n t u i t i o n ?

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