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PHONETICS Teacher Craig. PHONETICS SYMBOLS Long vowel sounds.

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Presentation on theme: "PHONETICS Teacher Craig. PHONETICS SYMBOLS Long vowel sounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHONETICS Teacher Craig

2 PHONETICS SYMBOLS Long vowel sounds

3 Long Vowel Sounds i: Sea /sI:/ Me /mI:/ Free /frI:/

4 Long Vowel Sounds u: Food /f u:d/ Crude /kru:d/ Do /du:/

5 Long Vowel Sounds ɜ:ɜ: Bird /b ɜ :d/ Word /w ɜ :d/ Heard /h ɜ :d/

6 Long Vowel Sounds ɑ. Car /k ɑ :/ Art / ɑ :t/ Hard /h ɑ :d/

7 Long Vowel Sounds ɔ : Saw /s ɔ :/ Score /sk ɔ :/ Four /f ɔ :/


9 e Head /hed/ Get /get/ Said /sed/

10 Vowel Sounds ɒ Not /n ɒ t/ Jog /d ʒ ɒ g/ Hop /h ɒ p/

11 Vowel Sounds ʌ Cup /k ʌ p/ Double /'d ʌ bəl/ Monk /m ʌ ŋk/

12 Vowel Sounds æ Cat /kæt/ Stamp /stæmp/ Dad /dæd/

13 Vowel Sounds ə attack / ə'æk/ maker /'me ɪ kə / doctor /'d ɒ ktə /

14 Vowel Sounds ʊ Good /g ʊ d/ Should / ʃʊ d/ Wood /w ʊ d/

15 Vowel Sounds ɪ Sit /s ɪ t/ Him /h ɪ m/ Film /f ɪ lm/

16 PHONETICS SYMBOLS Diphthongs: /’d ɪ fθ ɒ ŋ/ Meaning: a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves towards another

17 Diphthongs ɪ ə Near /n ɪ ə / Beer /b ɪ ə / Tier /t ɪ ə /

18 Diphthongs e ɪ Say /se ɪ / Play /ple ɪ / Grey /gre ɪ /

19 Diphthongs ʊ ə Tour /t ʊ ə/ Pure /pj ʊ ə/

20 Diphthongs ɔɪ Toy /t ɔɪ / boiler /'b ɔɪ lə / Noise /n ɔɪ z /

21 Diphthongs ə ʊ Snow /snə ʊ / go /gə ʊ / Alone /ə'lə ʊ n/

22 Diphthongs eə Hair /heə/ Care /keə/ Stair /steə/

23 Diphthongs a ɪ My /m a ɪ / Eye / a ɪ / Bike /b a ɪ k/

24 Diphthongs a ʊ Now /n a ʊ / How /h a ʊ / Found /f a ʊ nd/

25 PHONETICS SYMBOLS UNVOICED PAIRS 1 CONSONANTS- UNVOICED Consonant: a speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable Unvoiced: uttered without vibration of the vocal cords.

26 UNVOICED PAIRS 1 p Pen /pen/ Pig /pig/ Pencil /'pensəl/

27 UNVOICED PAIRS 1 t Tea / tI :/ Taxi /'t æKs ɪ / Table /'t e ɪ b ə l/

28 UNVOICED PAIRS 1 t ʃ Church / t ʃɜ : t ʃ / Chin / t ʃɪ n / Chat / t ʃ æ t/

29 UNVOICED PAIRS 1 k Kick /k ɪ k/ Cake /ke ɪ k/ Contact /'k ɒ ntækt/

30 VOICED PAIRS 1 b Book /b ʊ k/ Bad /bæ/ Baby /'be ɪ b ɪ /

31 VOICED PAIRS 1 D Did /d ɪ d/ Dog /d ɒ gg/ Depend /d ɪ 'pend/

32 VOICED PAIRS 1 d ʒ June / d ʒ u :n/ Judge / d ʒʌ d ʒ / Journey /d ʒɜ :n ɪ /

33 VOICED PAIRS 1 g Get /get/ Great /gre ɪ t/ Glass /gla:s/


35 UNVOICES PAIRS 2 f Food /fu:d/ Laugh /l ɑ :f/ Phone /fə ʊ n/

36 UNVOICED PAIRS 2 θ Thin /θ ɪ n/ Throw /θrə ʊ / Thumb /θ ʌ m/

37 UNVOICED PAIRS 2 s So /sə ʊ / Swim /sw ɪ m/ Sun /s ʌ n/

38 UNVOICED PAIRS 2 ʃ Sheep / ʃɪ :p/ Shine / ʃain / Assure /ə' ʃɔ :/

39 VOICED PAIRS 2 v Voice /v ɔɪ s/ Very /'ver ɪ / Receive /r ɪ 'si:v/

40 VOICED PAIRS 2 ð Then /ðen/ This /ð ɪ s/ There /ðeə/

41 VOICED PAIRS 2 z Zoo /zu:/ Zero /'z ɪ ərə ʊ / Zebra /'zebrə/

42 VOICED PAIRS 2 ʒ Pleasure /'ple ʒ ə/ Leisure /'le ʒ ə/ Measure /'me ʒ ə/


44 m Man /mæn/ Among /ə'm ʌ ŋ/ Calm /k ɑ :m/

45 OTHER CONSONANTS n No /nəu/ Not /n ɒ t/ Annoy /ə'n ɔɪ /

46 OTHER CONSONANTS ŋ Bring /briŋ/ Banged /bæŋd/ Singing /'s ɪ ŋ ɪ ŋ/

47 OTHER CONSONANTS h How /h ɑʊ / Height /ha ɪ t/ Hero /'h ɪ ərə ʊ /

48 OTHER CONSONANTS l Leg /leg/ Hello /hə'lə ʊ / Always /' ɔ :lwe ɪ z/

49 OTHER CONSONANTS r Red /red/ Around /ə'ra ʊ nd/ Proud /pra ʊ d/

50 OTHER CONSONANTS w Wet /wet/ Away /ə'we ɪ / Swim /sw ɪ m/

51 OTHER CONSONANTS j Yes /jes/ Yellow /'jelə ʊ / Usual /'ju: ʒ l/


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