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The Hobbit Vocab List 1 vocab. Audacious Bold, daring, or fearless; especially, in challenging certain assumptions or conventions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hobbit Vocab List 1 vocab. Audacious Bold, daring, or fearless; especially, in challenging certain assumptions or conventions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hobbit Vocab List 1 vocab

2 Audacious Bold, daring, or fearless; especially, in challenging certain assumptions or conventions.

3 Remuneration A payment or reward for goods or services or for losses sustained or inconvenience caused.

4 Obstinately Stubbornly adhering to an aditude, opinion, or course of action

5 Necromancer A person who claims to have the ability to communicate with the dead as a means of predicting the future.

6 Paraphernalia Personal belongings or articles of equipment.

7 Provisions A stock of necessary supplies; especially food.

8 Incantation A set of words spoken or chanted as a supposedly magic spell.

9 Forded To cross (A river, brook, etc.) over a shallow area.

10 Parapet A low protective wall or railing. An earthern or stone embankment protecting soldiers from enemy fire.

11 Palpitating To beat at an excessive rate.

12 Venerable Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.

13 Vexing To make someone annoyed or upset; to agitate.

14 Audac: dare, be bold Mun, Muni: service, gift Necro: Dead, Death Cant/Chant: Singing; a song Vener: Love, Beauty Vex: Annoy, irritate Stem Words

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