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Unit 11 Sophomore English. Allude (V.) to refer to casually or indirectly  Synonyms: Suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 11 Sophomore English. Allude (V.) to refer to casually or indirectly  Synonyms: Suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 11 Sophomore English

2 Allude (V.) to refer to casually or indirectly  Synonyms: Suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate

3 Clairvoyant (adj.) supernaturally perceptive; (n.) one who possesses extrasensory powers, seer  Synonyms: (adj.) insightful, discerning, uncanny; (n.) visionary  Antonyms: (adj.) blind unseeing, myopic, dense, imperceptive.

4 Conclusive (adj.) serving to settle an issue; final  Synonyms: decisive, indisputable, convincing, definitive.  Antonyms: unsettled, provisional, indefinite

5 Disreputable (adj.) not respectable, not esteemed  Synonyms: disgraceful, discreditable, shady  Antonyms: honest, aboveboard, respectable, creditable

6 Endemic (adj.) native or confined to a particular region or people; characteristic of or prevalent in a field.  Synonyms: indigenous, restricted to  Antonyms: alien, foreign, extraneous

7 Exemplary (adj.) worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model.  Synonyms: praiseworthy, meritorious, sterling, illustrative  Antonyms: infamous, notorious, scandalous, disreputable.

8 Fathom (v.) to understand, to get to the bottom of; to determine the depth of; (n.) a measure of depth in water.  Synonyms: (v.) grasp, comprehend, figure out, plumb

9 Guile (n.) treacherous cunning, deceit  Synonyms: trickery, duplicity, chicanery  Antonyms: condor, artless, naïveté, plain dealing

10 Integrity (n.) honesty, high moral standards; an unimpaired condition, completeness, soundness  Synonyms: rectitude, probity  Antonyms: dishonesty, corruption, turpitude

11 Itinerary (n.) a route of travel; a guidebook  Synonyms: schedule, program

12 Vocab Test Procedures Before test: Hand in extra credit flash cards and sentences to late box. No Talking, no phones, no looking around When you are done: Turn in to my desk Start on the next set of 10 words When everyone is done, we will go over the new words together with the PowerPoint (Write flash cards or extra credit sentences as we go through PowerPoint)

13 Misconstrue (v.) to interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning of  Synonyms: misjudge, misinterpret

14 Obnoxious (adj.) highly offensive, arousing strong dislike  Synonyms: disagreeable, repugnant, hateful, odious  Antonyms: agreeable, pleasing, engaging, personable

15 Placate (v.) to appease, soothe, pacify  Synonyms: satisfy, mollify, allay, conciliate  Antonyms: vex, irk, provoke, exasperate, annoy

16 Placid (adj.) calm, peaceful  Synonyms: undisturbed, tranquil, quiet, serene  Antonyms: stormy, agitated, turbulent, tempestuous

17 Plagiarism (n.) passing off or using as ones own the writing (or other materials) of another person  Synonyms: piracy, theft

18 Potent (adj.) powerful; highly effective  Synonyms: mighty, formidable, forceful  Antonyms: weak, incept, feckless, powerless, ineffective

19 Pretext (n.) a false reason, deceptive excuse  Synonyms: pretense, cover story, rationale, evasion

20 Protrude (v.) to stick out, thrust forth  Synonyms: project, jut out, bulge

21 Stark (adj.) harsh, unrelieved, desolate; (adv.) utterly  Synonyms: (adj.) sheer, downright, grim, bleak; (adv.) absolutely  Antonyms: bright, cheerful, embellished, ornate

22 Superficial (adj.) on or near the surface; concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface, shallow  Synonyms: skin-deep, insubstantial, cursory, slapdash  Antonyms: deep, profound, thorough, exhaustive

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