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Posters Design and Composition Advantages  Visible to a large audience  Great advertisement  No formal presentation required.

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Presentation on theme: "Posters Design and Composition Advantages  Visible to a large audience  Great advertisement  No formal presentation required."— Presentation transcript:

1 Posters Design and Composition Advantages  Visible to a large audience  Great advertisement  No formal presentation required

2 Posters Design and Composition Disadvantages  Fixed format  Requires time and “construction” know-how  May be difficult to transport  Requires tack-up space

3 Posters Design and Composition Essential pieces  Composition and layout  Text  Graphs and charts  Photographs  Type/font style  Color

4 Posters Design and Composition 48” 36” Composition and layout Abstract Conclusion Top Bottom Left to Right

5 Posters Design and Composition 36” 48” 3 Column layout 123 Title Big Idea Subtitle specifics provided Abstract Conclusion Methods Introduction Results

6 Posters Design and Composition 48” 36” 5 column layout 123 45 Showing A Cyclical Process Abstract Conclusion

7 Posters Design and Composition 36” 48” Asymmetrical layout Title Big Idea Subtitle specifics provided Abstract Conclusion Methods Introduction Results

8 Posters Design and Composition Type  Your choice of type, and the way you use it, plays a major role in the success of your presentation.

9 Posters Design and Composition Type  Avoid clichés: typeface establishes tone of poster  Weight contrast: light, medium, bold  Capitalization: MAY BE DIFFICULT TO READ  Contrast: Maximize foreground t o background contrast

10 Posters Design and Composition Develop a Type Hierarchy Title to be largest/boldest Text to be simple, easy to read Labels for table, charts and photos to be smallest Chart 4: Comparison of Seasonal Growth Patterns in Rubus

11 Posters Design and Composition Color  Hue: another name for color  Chroma: the brightness or dullness of a color  Value: the lightness or darkness of a color

12 Posters Design and Composition Primary colors

13 Posters Design and Composition Secondary Colors  Two primary colors mixed together

14 Posters Design and Composition Color  Tint: color + white  Tone: color + gray  Shade: color + black

15 Posters Design and Composition Warm Colors  Exciting, advancing

16 Posters Design and Composition Cool Colors  Calming, receding

17 Posters Design and Composition Complementary Colors  Opposite on the color wheel  Highest, striking contrast

18 Posters Design and Composition Color  Tint, tone, or shade “it down”  Reduce harshness  Reduce eye strain

19 Posters Design and Composition Color  Mono-chromatic colors: using any shade, tint or tone of one color

20 Posters Design and Composition Color schemes Showing A Cyclical Process Abstract Conclusion

21 Posters Design and Composition Color schemes Showing A Cyclical Process Abstract Conclusion

22 Posters Design and Composition Color Website addresses:  Interactive color wheel:  How the eye works to perceive color and the 3 properties of color:  General color information:

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