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QTS Literacy Booster Session 4 Thursday 14 th February 2013.

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1 QTS Literacy Booster Session 4 Thursday 14 th February 2013


3 What we are doing this week The weekly spell Speech marks - Revision Apostrophes – Revisited Note to Parents and Carers Grappling with terminology Comprehension –Approaches –Vocabulary –What’s it all about?

4 Spellings 1 committeedouble, double, double superseded supers eded initiativeiniti ative activityactiv ity demonstrabledemons trable regrettablyregret tably fuelleddouble l pursuepur sue automaticallyauto matic ally curriculumcurric ulum

5 Spellings 2 exaggerateddouble g anxietyanx iety exhaustiveexhaust ive justifiablejustifi able omitteddouble t implementationimp lem ent ation mathematicalmath ematical perpetratorper pet rator commemorativecom mem orative relievedreli eved

6 Speech marks – quick revision im coming home late tonight she said and added dont expect me before 11 hurry up he shouted she asked am I late Example 1 Example 2 "Hurry up!" he shouted. She asked, "Am I late?" "I'm coming home late tonight," she said and added, "don't expect me before 11."

7 Apostrophe - revision Apostrophes are for: Omission Aren’t you all here? It’s going to be fine, thank you. Possession Singular – the cat’s tail Plural – the cats’ tails

8 Peer assess against these criteria Have commas, semi colons, colons and full stops been used as required? Is sentence structure and demarcation accurate? Has appropriate vocabulary been chosen? Is the spelling accurate? Has the audience, form and purpose of this letter been considered? Note to parents and carers

9 Grappling with terminology supported Can you find a part of the passage (a sentence or a phrase) that agrees with the statement? That is to say; is the meaning of the statement supported by the meaning of the passage? If you can, then the statement in the question is supported.

10 implied If something is implied it is not stated directly, but as you read the passage you get the drift – you get the implication, there will be hints. If a passage is about corporal punishment, for example, and the writer was against this, there will be clues in the writing that allow the reader to decide the opinion of the writer - apart from any direct statements.

11 no evidence As you look over the passage again you will find that there is no evidence in the text for the opinion in the statement.

12 contradicted In this case you will look through the passage and will find that there is meaning in the passage that is contradicted by the statement in the question. The statement will say the opposite of what is in the passage. Contradict.. To assert the opposite of a statement made

13 implicitly contradicted Imply is the verb, implicit is the adjective and implicitly is the adverb. In this case we are looking to see whether there is anything in the passage that, whilst not being said directly, suggests that the statement is not accurate. Implicitly – without ever expressing so clearly

14 Comprehension Paragraph 1. Two ideas about the management of behaviour are constantly being discussed by teachers. ‘Rehabilitation’ and ‘just deserts’. Libertarian approaches versus punitive approaches. Public opinion sees classroom behaviour as a major issue in schools. Opinion is divided about what approach should be used. What is in the paragraphs?

15 Their observation is that behaviour management is a major issue in class. P Following general appraisal, they have elected to use restorative justice. The aim (of what?) is to reduce victimisation, fights and absenteeism. They have always been aware of the issues surrounding classroom behaviour. They have publicly acknowledged the value of implementing this approach. O T RJ H Task A Understanding the ‘who?’ & ‘what?’

16 Task B Understanding shades of meaning. It defines behaviour problems as damaging not disobedient and prompts the offender to accept liability and repair the damage. It encompasses both ‘empathy’ and ‘liability for the consequences’ when dealing with unacceptable classroom behaviour. It involves mediation between ‘offender’ and ‘offended against’ to discuss the affects and effects of events that have taken place. Its process of mediation enables many pupils to take responsibility for their actions and so change their behaviour.

17 Task C Understanding vocabulary. ‘ … has been a perennial feature of the teaching landscape.’ ‘ … to the libertarian renunciation of discipline.’ ‘… to support the successful reintegration of the excluded pupil.’ B B C

18 More hard words … implementation of restorative justice… … the libertarian ‘rehabilitation’ and the punitive ‘just desserts’… … the former values an idealised compassion, while the latter values accountability, plus a degree of retribution.

19 Next Steps 1.Make sure you have a copy of the book and work though it a section at a time 2.If spelling is your problem area – break up words, work on them little and often. 3.Do the practice test in the book - Do the on-line practice tests 4.For 3 make sure you analyse the parts that are going right (to improve your confidence) as well as the parts that are going wrong to target areas for improvement.

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