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Engagement Issues and Levels for Addressing Them As developed at the York University Knowledge Mobilization Symposium.

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Presentation on theme: "Engagement Issues and Levels for Addressing Them As developed at the York University Knowledge Mobilization Symposium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engagement Issues and Levels for Addressing Them As developed at the York University Knowledge Mobilization Symposium

2 LevelPrinciples of Operation Processes/ Activities Project/ Partnership Attention to power disparities Bridging/brokering needs Respect Trust Accountability Sharing resources, benefits Clear expectations Relevant research Recruitment/retaining Conflictual people with competing interests Activities when researcher isn’t there Communication Mobilizing research Managing administration Managing time and travel Institution Power disparities Bridgery/brokering needs Respect among partners Identifying mutual interests Recruitment/retaining Better outreach Research Action Plan; strategic plan Graduate student recruitment Communication System Credibility of theoretical orientation Disrespect for indigenous knowledge (lack of understanding, suspicion) Recruitment/retaining Reduce paperwork for partnerships Additional supports: transit, childcare

3 LevelCapacityRewards/ Incentives Project/ Partnership Build capacity Set out clear roles Community needs more chances to meet right partner Innovative conversations about engagement Managing workload/time Creating and managing flows of communication other than peer- reviewed – e.g. blog – need student Institution Set priorities for engagement activities Research support for grant applications Take 4-year undergraduate placements – 200 hours Public goals contradict reward system in universities Performance appraisal System Set priorities for topics for engagement activities System-wide solution on release time (SSHRC, CIHR, etc)

4 LevelResources/ Budgets Sustaining Partnerships Capturing Impacts Project/ Partnership Sharing financial resources Need adequate resources for CE/KM Funding students Get money to local sites faster Sustaining involvement of all partners over time Be strategic Leadership succession Innovative metrics Ensure what is done is making a difference Institution Insufficient graduate student support Funding students Is faculty time volunteer or part of the work? Transferring funds to international partners Negotiating payment for adequate community partners Resources for time for all partners Insufficient administrative support Sustaining partnershipsValue impacts for T&P Achievement reporting for SSHRC KM/KT that makes a difference System Finances/budget SSHRC needs dedicated portion of budget into forms/rules for community groups Funding bodies must own and resolve the issue Funds for partners in global South Resources for time for all partners Resources for sustaining collaborations Report research impact to governments and the public Quantitative and qualitative data Performance appraisal Change FRR (SSHRC)

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