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{ Faith and Reason friends or foes?. Must you choose?

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Presentation on theme: "{ Faith and Reason friends or foes?. Must you choose?"— Presentation transcript:

1 { Faith and Reason friends or foes?

2 Must you choose?

3 Enemies?

4 Saint Dominic St. Thomas Aquinas St. Albert the Great Exemplars


6 “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth- in a word, to know himself- so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” Fides et Ratio Pope John Paul II, Fides Et Ratio: On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason: Encyclical Letter of John Paul II

7 “Born and nurtured when the human being first asked questions about the reason for things and their purpose, philosophy shows in different modes and forms that the desire for truth is part of human nature itself. It is an innate property of human reason to ask why things are as they are…” Fides et Ratio Pope John Paul II, Fides Et Ratio: On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason: Encyclical Letter of John Paul II

8 “[John Paul II] recognized that science and Scripture sometimes have ‘apparent contradictions,’ but said that when this is the case, a ‘solution’ must be found because ‘truth cannot contradict truth.’” Contradictions? Linder, D. 2004. The Vatican's View of Evolution: The Story of Two Popes.

9 Contradictions?  definition of apparent: “according to appearances, initial evidence, incomplete results, etc.; ostensible rather than actual”  The Pope suggests that anything that seems like a contradiction between faith and science is truly a case of misinformation or misunderstanding

10 “Solutions” The solutions he speaks of are either: 1) refining a scientific explanation 2) reexamining scripture in light of current findings 3) delving into theology to explain the lack of contradiction adequately

11 “Truth cannot contradict Truth”  The Church’s doctrine is TRUTH  Anything that appears to contradict it is either incorrect or is interpreted incorrectly

12 Theology vs. Science  While never OPPOSED, they do not study the world through the same lens or with the same goal  Science studies the MATERIAL world  Theology sees the material world, but in light of the immaterial world

13 TheologyScience Concerned with immaterial worldConcerned with material world Concerned with eternal life and salvation Concerned with temporal reality Will not claim to be experts on laws of nature Will not claim to be capable of defining dogma or rationalizing matters of faith Considers science a valuable tool for understanding what is revealed to us Considers theology a valuable starting point and motivation for its own study Theology vs. Science


15 “The gaze of science thus benefits from faith: faith encourages the scientist to remain constantly open to reality in all its inexhaustible richness. Faith awakens the critical sense by preventing research from being satisfied with its own formulae and helps it to realize that nature is always greater…” Pope Francis Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei: Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis

16 Remember!  Remember that faith and reason are TWO WINGS, so we don’t “switch” between the two—  We can (must) be SIMULTANEOUSLY faithful and reasonable!  It is about a worldview—seeing the world as ONE Truth—a multifaceted truth, but one Truth

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