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We will cite text evidence to support our responses and inferences analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other.

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Presentation on theme: "We will cite text evidence to support our responses and inferences analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will cite text evidence to support our responses and inferences analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters and develop the theme.

2 Steps for today 1.Read the short story independently. 2.Follow along as the teacher and students read the first few pages of the story, pausing to answer questions along the way. 3.With your team, take turns orally reading the remainder of the story, continuing to answer questions.

3 Let’s Get Started! Take a piece of plain white paper. Fold the paper in half length-wise. Fold that in three sections.

4 Mary’s characteristics– Personal– House–

5 Mary’s characteristics– Personal– House– Patrick’s characteristics–

6 We will cite text evidence to support our responses and inferences analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a literary text, interact with other characters and impact the plot or develop the theme.

7 Mary’s characteristics– Personal– House– Patrick’s characteristics– How do Patrick’s comments change Mary?

8 Mary’s characteristics– Personal– House– Patrick’s characteristics– How do Patrick’s comments change Mary? How does Mary’s behavior at the grocery store contradict what has happened earlier?

9 We will cite text evidence to support our responses and inferences analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a literary text, interact with other characters and impact the plot or develop the theme.

10 Mary’s characteristics– Personal– House– Patrick’s characteristics– How do Patrick’s comments change Mary? How does Mary’s behavior at the grocery store contradict what has happened earlier? How does the structure of the sentence reflect Mary’s thinking at that moment?

11 Mary’s characteristics– Personal– House– Patrick’s characteristics– How do Patrick’s comments change Mary? How does Mary’s behavior at the grocery store contradict what has happened earlier? How does the structure of the sentence reflect Mary’s thinking at that moment? The police officers do not suspect Mary for the murder. How does her behavior play a role in assuring this doesn’t happen?

12 We will cite text evidence to support our responses and inferences analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a literary text, interact with other characters and impact the plot or develop the theme.

13 Exit slip From the story, on white square of paper, write the sentence, phrase, or word that best describes the theme of the story. Explain why you made your selection.

14 Sample Culminating Writing Task Mary is on trial for the murder of her husband. The question is not whether she killed him, but why? What is your perception of Mary’s guilt? Was the murder premeditated? Was she caught up in the moment? Or was she temporarily insane, therefore not responsible for her actions? You are a Junior District Attorney and are responsible for advising your supervisor in this case. Research the laws which define murder in your state (first degree, second degree, manslaughter, etc.). Based on the evidence in this story, of what type of homicide is Mary guilty? Write a report to your supervisor analyzing the evidence and determining what the charge should be. Make sure to support your assertions with evidence from the text and using your state’s legal code. The following websites may help in your research: – Cornell University Law School: Legal Information Institute – Homicide: Murder and Manslaughter (NOLO Law for All) encyclopedia/homicide-murder-manslaughter-32637.html encyclopedia/homicide-murder-manslaughter-32637.html – Murder (The Free Dictionary) Students will use evidence from research and text to support their view of Mary’s culpability at the time of the crime.

15 Practice Read the text. Create two text dependent questions from the text using – What you learned in the earlier session. – Model questions from the lesson we just finished.

16 Resources Model Lesson PowerPoint Model Lesson Plan Edmodo Anthology Alignment Project – Code pkx4sp Making Thinking Visible – model 15 minute video clips

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