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FPS Step Two. Time for Step Two We have identified 8 challenges in step one Now we need to pick the underlying problem.

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Presentation on theme: "FPS Step Two. Time for Step Two We have identified 8 challenges in step one Now we need to pick the underlying problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 FPS Step Two

2 Time for Step Two We have identified 8 challenges in step one Now we need to pick the underlying problem

3 Use the Four I’s Impact – which category of challenges if solved would have the greatest impact on the topic situation? Influence – which category of challenges do you know the most about? Interest – which category of challenges holds the interest of your team the most? Imagination – which category of challenges seems most likely to inspire your imagination so that you can come up with creative, futuristic solutions?

4 Should flow together … The parts of an underlying problem should flow together to create one thought that addresses a major issue of the future scene. Should have five basic components: Conditions: lead-in fact from the future or related research Stem: “how might we” Key verb phrase: “a strong action verb that mandates what you must do in step three to solve the challenge Purpose: the outcome that you would like to have as the result of the key verb phrase Parameters: elements that place your underlying problem within the parameters of the future scene including time, place, and topic

5 Strong verbs Use these:Do not use these: Minimize Maximize Reduce Decrease Increase Relieve Encourage Provide Protect Solve the problem of Eliminate Prevent Ensure Guarantee Abolish

6 Suggested Format In the year (date from the future scene), when (what is happening in the future scene that is causing the challenge), how might we, (team name), (key verb phrase) so that (why are you solving the challenge, what difference will it make it to the future scene)? *(insert the topic and location in the underlying problem)

7 Step Two Example In the year 2041, social media is promoted and even required in the SMQ classroom. Some of the social media participation si required for the students’ age 3-1 0 to do themselves. Many of these social media sites have been proven to be accessible to predators and hackers. How might we, the FPSers, maximize the security of kid- friendly platforms available so that the young children may have a safe enjoyable experience within the education system?

8 Make sure to do these! Make sure you stay on topic and address the charge Have every person in the group check to make sure your underlying problem addresses one significant issue to solve Make sure your key verb phrase does NOT contradict or negate the assignment of the charge Do not add a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet) in the key verb phrase as this will give you two focuses and two reasons to solve the problems Must have a purpose that describes the reason you are solving the underlying problem of the future scene Be sure your underlying problem is STRONG and MEASUREABLE!

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